what im thining about?

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lol....like 100000000000000000000 people on short list :P

Before II WW or after and what continent ?
Europe. Hm I won't make it too easy, so timelapsis: between 1920 and 1945

It was a significant message to the world, that these certain people tried to kill the dictator.
It was organised by a few, but today we recall this day by the name of only one of them.
xavii we all are happy that u find a new website u seem to like very much, but fu!!
ok, how is it called the "bunker" made in the '30 XX with stuff of that time inside it, that can not be opened untill 14 May 8113 AD ? :)
I think its the "bunker" where they freeze sick or dead people until one day when science will be able to defreeze them alive?
well, its a big space underground with fat walls and metal closed doors, that can not be opened untill year 8113. The source of that idea is from agent Egyptians, however inside are no people, only 2 manikins of male and female and many diversified stuff from mid '30 XX.
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