Werril with wh? Never!

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Sep 29, 2013
Hi there. I was temp. banned 29.9.2013 morning for "wh"... I think, that Zar banned me, however on server was Marlboro online too. For guys, who knows me... I have good day (its not so common) and I were trying to play with Scorpion (cool wep ^^). I planted bomb (then I hide next to the bomb) and the only one from enemy team was "Eddy" I think. He killed our guy at heli ruins (map Crash). So I tried to aim his through floor and follow him through floor too (looks like wh, yea, I confess). Nevertheless Eddy appeard in front of me, and thanks to his blindness, I killed him. My trying to follow him through floor failed, but I was banned. Its sad, cuz everyone who knows me a little know, that I have never used hacks. Maybe Marlboro can talk :P ... I hope that my ban will be lift soon.

P.S. - Sorry for my english, its horrible I know, but I hope, u understand me :)
Beanie too told me something about my "bans" on another servers... but these servers were like "He is hacker, he shot me through wall" and I just typing and looking at UAV, so...
Is not the first time i was suspect you No from me.
And i have post evidence from other server who ban you for same reason so about me Ban stay.
Theres a ban on his guid but its 5 years old and ip ain't the same. He plays since always on our server, I dnt have the knowledge to tell if he ever used hacks. It must be said that ufo doesn't ban for nothing, so its very little chance that he is wrong. Imo werril U should get a new guid, since ur current one is already dirty!
Ps: dnt trust others servers bans, U never know who was the admin who did it, maybe some noob kid, maybe a good admin...
Exactly, the ban is old thats why an ip comparison is useless, its not really uncommon to have a new ip within 5 years or even an isp change.

The ban will most likely stay, id suggest you get a new copy of the game.
mhh werril I know you,I do not think that you hack!
BUT your guid is dirty...... ufo has done his job --- gj daddy ;) :P

buy yourself a new key code and we play a round together again ;)
  • L (D) i k e
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i don't remember werril gameplay...i know i used to play a few times with him...but he wasn't sexy enough to be specced :D

so...your call bro's
Fuck, so u are advising me to change my guid (a really dont know, what is guid and dunno how can I change it) and buy new, original key, but I have original key. Ehm, and about servers and admins... I goes on "noob" servers, when I have bad mood and bad day... There I can finally kill someone and sometimes have heli :D ... but find please the name of server, which was banned me 5 years ago and I maybe can tell u more.

And about my IP, we bought wifi 5-4 years ago, so maybe thats why I have new IP... I remember, that I have been banned from some servers and Beanie told me it too, when I want to became a WM member, that my guid is dirty. I tried to explain him this, but I failed. Nevertheless I wait for Marlboro, I want to know his view of look on this situation.
Situation is that you must buy a new cod4. Easy. Probably from Steam, it's the most safe and trustworthy way.
Ban stays on this GUID.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: UFO
Ufo, how long have you play COD on WM? 2-3 years? How many times u saw me surely hack? Why do u think that I used hacks? Am I have reason? And If I really hacked, why am I play with scorpion, 3x stun, ds and jammer, why dont I take AK with bandolier, stopp power and deep impact and used my "wh" for kill everyone? I dont have any reason to hack, and I am disappointed by your opinion to me.

About this:

all of these kicks are from LINEX server. I can send u an IP and try to go here and play here for a while. There are many shitters, which can just type to chat: "votekick Werril" and others type "yes" and u are kicked. How easy. And u can find on the webpage 2 kicks by admin. Yes, I am a hacker, because I used UAV and the others not. But wh or aimbot? Why should I used it? I think that I am good without hacks too, so I dont need use this shits. Moreover, I dont know, where I can download it and install it or something like that. I am really not good in IP, but who cares, huh?

Its sad that I am banned from my favourite server. But I really dont want to buy new CD key. I rather go play LOL or WOW or another shits. I am disappointed by this experience. So many years I play here and now I am totally banned. Its really sad guys. Just let me play on WM promod.
werril is not personal first of all.
second you said never hack and pb get you even if years ago.
(Werril with wh? Never!)http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-a09ab891-vb72449.html
:lol: :lol: :lol:
third i was suspect you yesterday and for that i change team to spec you,and few months ago you was playing on our server again i was suspect you but i was not sure 100% so this time im sure ,Bye new guid and come again.
So you never hack but your guid is dirty...i cant believe your cryies..
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