Webdiplomacy WM game?


Jan 4, 2009
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Follow the game here: http://webdiplomacy.net/board.php?gameID=142922

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Some of us already played some games, but I guess most of the new members dont know about it. Wanna make a game for WM members-only? we can make it a day/movement game, so everyone has 24h to do their movements, which just takes a minute.

Want to try?

- Xavii
- Dr.Zap
- MagnetO
- Michal
- Arphis
- Uga
- Alexx
- Joe
- Rugi
- Linux
6 players IN at the moment. I will open a game for 7 or 10 players depending on how many people join. The game is extremly simple, and takes 2 minuts a day, we've played some rounds there before and makes fun.

There is the link to the game.

Password: wmgame

Game rules:

The objective of the game is to conquer as many supply centers as posible. The game will end when one player gets 33 Supply centers, or when the players accept a tie.

- Points per supply center: when a player joins the game, he bets directly 10 points (you become 100 points when you register on the site). So there will be a pot of 100 points. At the end of the game each player will get more or less points from the pot according to how many supply centers he owns. That way there is never only a winner. One player may conquer the 33 supply centers needed to end the game, but another can also have 20 supply centers and so win more than the 10 points he had bet. That makes it more interesting in case we want to play more games in the future.
One tip more, click ready after you choose your moves. When everyone clicks ready the game moves to the next round, even if the 24h are not gone yet. It makes no sense to wait 8 or 12 or 14 hours for the next round if everyone have made their moves ;)