Webdiplomacy 2º game.

Didn't U make other accounts? :D btw game will take couple hours, and tbh I think it will end up in a draw, after 3 or 4 players will be defeated unless in the remaining one there would be me and (for example) xavii, then it will be a battle to the very end of the game :D
xavii has always been like menc :D yesterday we were in a game n he quitted coz he was abt to get killed
I quitted because I was bored + I was doing other stuff + I had no chance cos it was 3vsme + I had no time to keep playing. However let me remind you...

[22:17] Xavii: italy metagame with turkey
[22:17] Xavii: kurwa
[22:17] |WM|JetsonRay: rofl u right!
[22:17] |WM|JetsonRay: report to admins!

[22:49] |WM|JetsonRay: have u reported the metagamers?
[22:51] Xavii: I left
[22:51] Xavii: no time to finish it anyway
[22:51] |WM|JetsonRay: kk, but report them, as a kind of revenge on what happened to us ;)
[22:52] Xavii: im not menc man
[22:52] |WM|JetsonRay: u should anyway, those fuckers deserves it ;)

You are the loser who wanna report everybody like menc. So..

Guess what I ended up quite in a good way, U were down to 3 units when U left thou U had 7 U were able to lost more than 50% of ur territories :D
I was England, n I've never been conquered XD
Ye but France was busy with Germany n I controlled the sea so I was defended on that side :)
if someone wanna join game is a 5mins per turn, not a gunboat so cooperation btw players is allowed here :)
Starts in 3 n a half hours
hey noobs. Till 24.10 Im living in some small place (there is only 1 kebab and they open it sometimes while weekends) so Im borred like shit. Maybe anybody in mood to play webdiplomacy :D
lets get some ban for meta gaming :D :D :D
I am in, but...

Game not found, or has an invalid variant set; ensure a valid game ID has been given. Check that this game hasn't been canceled, you may have received a message about it on your home page.
i have no idea what is this game but i love to learn and keep michal busy :)