Video footage of me not scrolling.

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Apr 12, 2015
Allright, so I was playing With my g3 on the HC server when Uga started giving me warnings not to scroll.
I have been required to give the admins (i don't remember his name because it's like 3 years ago) video evidence showing i wasn't scrolling before, and i did, but trying to explain this to Uga on the server proved futile, which is normal - i know we're not supposed to discuss With admins on the server. i do understand that now there are a few new admins in the last 3 years, and i have been quite inactive on the server for the past year or so, so naturally People will be thinking i scroll again.

here is a link to my youtube channel, it contains only vids of me not scrolling, the 3year old ones as well as some new ones i posted up 10minutes ago showing that i am indeed just that fast With the LMB.
The old vids are bad quality because i used a shitty webcam back then but the new ones are better as they are taken from my phone.
I hope these videos will Clear me of all these scrolling accusations. i personally hate scrollers more than anyone else because i repeatedly get kicked, banned and called a lot of nasty things for it, even though i'm innocent. i know i'm abnormally fast With the LMB when i play so i try not to rage about it, but it IS quite frustrating getting kicked and sometimes even banned for something i would never do :P

Hello. I understand what you are going through because the same thing happens to be when i play with the G3. I get a lot of people telling me to stop scrolling and since im an admin it just ended up with me not playing with the gun at all since i dont want people to think im breaking the rules.

If you do play with the G3 or any other tap fire weapon. The best thing to do is recording yourself and label it with a date so that if you get temp or perma banned we can have a look at it.
"i don't remember his name" on serv u wrote it was Idrizi. Anyway it was pure scrolling. Ryu has "fast fingers" and compare to you his fingers were slow. He is fap champion so for sure you were scrolling or it was script.
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I didn't say it was Idrizi, i told you to ask him if i was scrolling because he'd know. I don't remember which admin it was that asked me to supply video evidence the last time, but after i provided him With that evidence he accepted it and admins left me alone after that. if you followed the link and watched the videos you would quite clearly see i am not scrolling, and no i'm not scripting either, i don't even know how to do that. Simply saying "this other guy i know is fast but not as fast as you, therfore it is impossible" isn't really an objective way of looking at this. i have supplied evidence that in my opinion is hard to refute, and kicking or even banning me for scrolling when i clearly do not sounds to me like it is just unreasonable. Believe me, i know it looks like it is inhumanly fast, but i swear to you i play 100% legit, no scrolling included.
If you want to see further proof i don't know what else to do other than skype you With a video feed of my mouse while i play on Your server.

Anyway, i was hoping this thread would once and for all clarify wether or not i can safely play With the G3 anymore. i was kind of hoping one of the higher-ups could look at my "case" and make a decision, cus i'm getting a little tired of getting kicked. problem is, i love the g3 so it sort of is the only weapon i wanna play at this point :P
Well i guess you aint banned or anything, so all you can do is use the same name and hope that all or most admins see this post and realise that you are not scrolling or scripting.
Know that kind of situation. In Bf3 I used to play with an94 most of the time with unique rate of fire and got used to hear stuffs like "bitch, fagget, macro, norecoiluser!" in my adress.
Only can wish you luck in not being banned by majority of lazy admins ;)
SkandalisT said:
Know that kind of situation. In Bf3 I used to play with an94 most of the time with unique rate of fire and got used to hear stuffs like "bitch, fagget, macro, norecoiluser!" in my adress.
Only can wish you luck in not being banned by majority of lazy admins ;)
This gun is even more powerful at BF:BC2.
Me and my friend called it the Azkabana :D dunno why though
why would i need to "change my way" of using the g3? i'm already fast enough. i have offered to even skype you With a live video feed while i play so you can see i am actually that fast and not scrolling. in stead you choose to just throw any evidence against Your conclusion to the Wind and just decided for yourself that i am, contrary to evidence, scrolling? I won't ever "change my way" (and i'm assuming by that you mean i will start scrolling) With the G3, because i'm not some 15 year-old kid who thinks cheating makes him look sooo cool on the internet. also, "have you seen him before this post": i was playing on the WM server long before you. i stopped playing cod for a good year or so and lately have been coming back now. Like i've mentioned before i was asked to upload video evidence that i wasn't scrolling back then too. I did, and it was accepted by admins. You seem to be the only person who does not Accept it, and to be honest i'm not sure why, considering the evidence that i am indeed not scrolling. i can make more videos if you'd like, or you could tell me what i have to do to convince you, if you have any better ideas.
uGa said:
Why are you so sure about it? Have you seen him before his post? Was he not scrolling because he made a topic here? Maybe you have a demo or sth before this topic from WM serv? Because now he can change his way of using G3.
Did you even look at his youtube videos? He is clearly not scrolling.
Or are you trying to say he shot faster on the server than on those videos?
First of all this guy has some problems. On serv after warn he was writing million sentences about being innocent. He was flooding words and on videos you can see his nervous behavor :) Second after warn he changed weapon for Ak giving proof but still writing and writing and I said pls stfu and just play so he came back to G3 and scrolling again. So just leave it as it is I dont care anymore.
When I see someone better than I'm, doing really cool stuffs, I always tell myself "there is nothing impossible in this life", because by own experience I know how great can be our body and mind. If you warm your brain, you can do awesome, nearly impossible stuffs for unprepared people, stuffs way cooler than just a fast clicking. :D
uGa said:
And his hard willing to use G3 say to me enough.
Sorry for interrupting CoD section but do you actually want him to live stream every time he plays with the G3? So he can show you ever ytime that he isn't scrolling. That seems silly but whatever floats your boat.

When I played cracked CoD4 like 5-6 years ago, when KL was moving to CoD4 no one really cared about scrolling and all this stuff.
Im sure after many years playing our admins cod can understand who is fast shooter and who is using scrolling macro binds etc, thats my opinion.
there are indeed people who CAN see the difference between scroll/macro etc and fast fingers, but there are also enough people who simply cant and make mistakes
just dont be too fast to judge, and in this case i think its pretty much proven that hes not scrolling
This guy made the demo by himself. Think about it. Fortunatelly I saw him few times on serv and now his fingers are "normal". Miracle? Or maybe Blaze u have some demo so pls post it.
i have seen him only once on the server since he posted this topic dont know how many times he has played but i didnt notice anything weird.
what does it change that he made it by himself? i dont think he did anything with it, but imo its time to close that topic because theres no evidence and no point to argue over it anymore
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