Vacant ?

Give back Vacant to rotation

  • Yes I love Vacant and Filix is a noob :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No that map sucks

    Votes: 13 100.0%

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FiliX78 said:
lol fu both Sab and Li :)

btw Bean, u should see how is now.. wtf i dead for any reason and watching other teammates cam... 1st click : oh a wall sprayer. 2nd click : oh a wall sprayer.. 3rd 4th 5th oh a wall sprayer.. wtfff nobody plays.. only shoot in his corner ahah.. for this i got a bit angry :D

its call of duty, u forgot ?
u prefer bog than vacant?! and i thought u like to lame with ur rpg there... @ filix

btw on promod server there is 2 much vacant! 1 time should be enough it seems its like crash vacant crossfire vacant and so on!
i would prefer getting all maps set on which are played on clanbase! bcos i didnt played broadcast(brotkasten) since ages... and we should be trained on all maps!
klnG_kOnG said:
u prefer bog than vacant?! and i thought u like to lame with ur rpg there... @ filix

btw on promod server there is 2 much vacant! 1 time should be enough it seems its like crash vacant crossfire vacant and so on!
i would prefer getting all maps set on which are played on clanbase! bcos i didnt played broadcast(brotkasten) since ages... and we should be trained on all maps!

mhh we can set promod server adding some maps, the most used in CB..

for vacant, as i told i like the map in promod but in HC is ruined by noobs spraying all over.. for this i preferred remove one of the 2 vacant in rotation :P
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