TV Series


Jan 4, 2009
Let's share recommendations here for series to watch and follow! not only the american known ones, but also good ones produced by your countries which could be of interest for the rest.

I'm currently following:

- Game of Thrones (I have read the books until half of the 5th one if I recall right, they became boring, so I switched to the serie.

- House of Cards

- Peaky Blinders

- Fargo (I don't know if there are further seasons)

I recommend:

- Band of brothers
- Prison Break
- The ones above!
Fargo is great :D There is also a movie but I didn't watch it. But yeah, there is just one TV season series of like 8 episodes.

My reccomendations:

- Two and a half Men (nice to relax :D)
- Sherlock (if you like detective movies)
- Broadchurch
I found two and a half men funny at the beginning, but it is so repetitive, they should have finished it long time ago. Anyway I don't follow that kind of comedys, I just randomly watch the episodes which are on TV while I am eating or on pc. I prefer How I met your mother. And I can't stand The Big Bang Theory.

I've heard great opinions about Sherlock I will watch it soon.
I rarely follow any series but ill write some down that i watched and enjoyed:

Breaking bad
Twin Peaks
X files

In the comedy section:

Two and a half men
The simpsons
How i met your mother

The only series im currently following is:

American horror story
I recommend: Pacific and Band of Brothers. Now I dont have time to watch TV.
Xavii said:
I found two and a half men funny at the beginning, but it is so repetitive, they should have finished it long time ago. Anyway I don't follow that kind of comedys, I just randomly watch the episodes which are on TV while I am eating or on pc. I prefer How I met your mother. And I can't stand The Big Bang Theory.

I've heard great opinions about Sherlock I will watch it soon.
You won't regret it, really cool story. Also this new "The Immitation game" movie should be great as well.
i always said fuck game of thrones but it is the best series ever! :wub:
I can't believe how some of you still haven't seen the Fargo movie. I was pleasantly surprised by the tv series, but the movie is so much better.
KrazyFire said:
arrow is good and revenge is good too

Homeland is epic
I watched homeland until the american guy gets killed I think it's at the end of the 3rd season. Then I watched the first chapter of the 4th season and I didnt feel like keep watching, it's just like a new series. Do you recomend me to watch further? or you just like it cos it happens in Pakistan?

Stoner said:
I can't believe how some of you still haven't seen the Fargo movie. I was pleasantly surprised by the tv series, but the movie is so much better.
that's the point of this topic, I will watch it :D

I started with The newsroom yesterday, it looks great.
xavii, u should definitely watch season 4th of Homeland!!! I almost finished it and it was so damn breath taking in some points!!!!

Breaking Bad is highly recommended
How I Met Your Mother is Legend....daryyyyy
Walking Dead, if u r into zombie stuff
and since I got bored of waiting for Game of Thrones, I started watching Vikings
Well as most of u im into Game of Thrones, and therefore waiting for the next season. Especially since the last one really ended in a good way and not just a summary who remains, like previous seasons.

I watched Vikings and can highly recommed it.

Also finished season 2 of Black Sails, but since it ends with a big cliffhanger i want tell anyone to watch it before 3rd season starts.

My favourite in series must be "Archer", animated series about a spy with an incredible sense of lewd, dark and sexual humor. It gets more obscene every season and the english dubbing is pretty awesome.
i prefer comedy series, my favourite of all time is easily "only fools and horses", if you never heard of it look it up.

the last comedy series i watched every episode of s a show called "mongrels"
Ok I will try a couple more episodes of Homeland.

I have watched breaking bad too, it's good, but I dont find it is so great as many people say.

I watched 2 first episodes of Vikings and didnt find it interesting at all.

Thanks for the weird recommendations Durden :D
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Finished The Newsroom, I recommend it, specially if you are into media and journalism.

Also finished third season of House of Cards, don't miss it!

Now I am trying different series, but none is getting me addicted.

Mad Men: I read a lot of good things about it, I have watched 5 episodes, it's good but it doesnt hook me at all.

Sherlock... it has really disappointed me. Everybody loves it though.

I guess I will go for The Walking Dead now.