Today i get Perm. Banned:((

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Nov 11, 2012
Hello Guys and Girls :),

Today i got perm. Banned on the S&D Promod Server.

I think Randy Banned me, only Admin there , i think..^^

I played a long time on your server , think last month all days.... :P

in the ban stands " happy new Year ( stop cheating)..I know you Heard it so often, but i didnt cheat, k it was a bit weird on the beginning of the map, i think it was the 2nd round, there i was alone with an other teammate and he got killed, so i know where the enemy was, so i goes there, i didnt have time and he was scared and hide behind a container on Backlot by spot A i only thought that he was there, it was really lucky, i know that this looks a bit like cheating,, but i died xD, aim was shit at the moment^^

I think this was teh story, i hope The man who banned me can Tell me something about this, pls.

(sorry for my bad english)

Ingame name: Desa
Guid: 6eea6c47

Lg Desa and Happy new Year :) :)
I think it would be valuable to say that you are "abc" and you have been banned 1 or 2 times before for "cheating" just to help the admins out :D
its true alot off ppl where whining u wh so i specced u for almost 10 rounds, u looked normal at first but after a few round but u started to get obv, ( following true walls sudden turns) i asked berty to spec u and he found u obv aswell, so imo ban stays and i asked jakob to ban you...

happy newyear
well .. im so tired of Princess Lisss because he never respect our rules.. always kidding me .. everyround sit at respawn .. talking his lenguage .. and like that ALWAYS. so if desa is princess liss OFC he deserve a ban .

Happy new year Guys.
  • L (D) i k e
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I really didnt know this shit Princess liss...

How you mean that i am Princess liss. I cant be taht becasue this moth i was everyday on your Server , i think a lot of your Member admins can say teh same, and i NEVER say anything about members or admins, i only makes jokes with them......all can say this :)

And i always respet the rules....

And Yes there are 1 guy on the server who says i Hack becasue he saw the 2nd round i tell you in the first Text , this guy hast the nickname ... ( think he didnt found an nickname xD) i started in the middel of crash with playing on WM and on ending this player have 41:12, and then he think there cant be a better man as him.... and i never get aboit 40 kills its really hard to get about 30 :(((((((

After this guy said i Hack 2 or 3 rounds, i said to Randy to spec me.
Randy must normally says, that i didnt shot walls :(

Its normal, when you play everyday on this server, that you get better and know their ways..
To my understanding, Princess Liss and Desa are the exact same player, and seen as desa. Desa disagrees with this and claims he is not this 'PrincessLiss' person, but i know that princessliss plays a lot on our servers and so if we dont see this person for a week, it is safe to say that they are the same person and well, if we do then its pretty obvious they are not. This is just me brainstorming ^ ^
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