Time for me go.. :)

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Dec 5, 2011
I am not gona type a long ass topic for this, to lazy for that

But anyway i decided to quit gaming and focus on the more importent things in my life :)

Latetly i dont heve alot off free time or any time at all to game or other things to relax cus off some reasons, most off u know why but incase u dont..
(childeren, wife, collage,other hobby's, ect..)

Now it was fun playing and chatting whit u all and the fun we had on ts, blablabla and i might come and chat on xf sometimes (once a month, depends if i heve free time ofc)

I am gona miss u all, and i wish everyone gl whit the rest off ur life's

  • L (D) i k e
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I dont know you very much but I will miss you, yet you will miss me more than I will miss you, still you will still be missed.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Random
Xavii said:
I dont know you very much but I will miss you, yet you will miss me more than I will miss you, still you will still be missed.
I won't miss you if i was him, so don't miss him brother.

Gud luk man
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Random
Sad to hear this mate, known you since i started playing cod :)
Best of luck in in your life, congrats btw mate! :)
Love you more than my own penis
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: deadzjeh and Random
heh i knewed it would come soon,many rages :D nice move gl randy be more online FB and stop bs u got 2 kids with 2 gf's so there is problem :D
and story aint over u want become GAY so u mad coz u must take care bout 2 kids and 2 gf's with your bf :D :*
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Random
Thank good good riddance :D nah mate good luck in future enjoy life now your a free man :D pc gaming is a bitch ;P
its aight to focus on ur life and quit gaming, but...enjoy a little game from time to time, its always nice to be able to relax ;)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: TBerty
aaaaah randy... I gonna miss u bro,
Alltho good luck with life and we see each other around
I'll miss our lovely times in those corners...
gl hf in life mate, hope ull have a great life, ure worth it
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