thy kf :D


Honorary Member
Jan 7, 2010
thy kf for new slots 24 :D for new maps :D and thy for 3xfrag again :D
all happy and happy and full server now :D
Hey gays! 3xnade is allowed again? Not anymore nubs saying " Iam using only one" etc..... :o THATS GREAT!!! god bless you!
New maps?! I cant wait .... :P
totally agree with menc! abt 3 frags instead im a bit disappointed!
24 slots means even more nade than b4! people will camp even more, i will camp coz it will be impossible to rush or to put a feet out of spawn! with more slots allowing 3 frags isnt a great choise in my opinion, nade rain will be greater than ever!
personally i dnt have any problem to kick 3 frags users even with 24 slots, im an admin, it is part of my duty!
i see this decision as a way to make the game easier to be enjoyed by admins which is good idea, but not so neccessary.
and we will have salmon back crying in few days or dais :D
shut up panda! u cant be so unpolote in publoc towards my mum amd u never play hc so wtf? :P :D :P
i vote for no3xnades !!!! i vote i vote i vote 3times... and this included never seen casper in hc, he ALWAYS kill me with a nade at first 5 seconds!!!
i always play hc. iam hc only tbh. no im not playing THIS. btw where is the difference if you can spray through like every single wall in cod in using 3 nades or 1 if u pick rpg its easy anyways lol. whoever thinks of playing the objective might be mindfucked. if you gays would FUCKING WATCH MY FUCKING SICK AWESOME bf2 fragmovies ( the ones i posted ina thread called like " see how FAKING AWESOME IAM" ) u would know what beign awesome and being HARDCOR3333 is all about :X soz, i had to get to work at 4am this morning, am FREAKING tired and iam done with jetty
theres big difference between rpg and 3 nades! everybody knows where u are if u just used rpg it even leave a white line that starts on u and ends on impact place! nade is much more silent and leaves no track only if u are near me u can understand that im throwing it! so having 3of it is way too much for s&d