los my home. But I guess Beanie would say lose her children.
get so drunk a night and have much fun but not remember it the next day or not getting so drunk and have no so much fun but remember it the next day ? xD
fu xavii!
the 1st option: some other people will remember abt that and photos and videos are quite common nowadays
rape a spanish gay and then kill him or kill him first?
summer! i dnt care abt flowers to pop out more than all coz I'm allergic to most of them
u find out that ur life is a big lie and you are a disgusting person, what do u do?
keep on that way hoping to die soon, or start again from the beginning getting ur ass kicked by everyone as a motherfucker like u deserve?
looool firstly i thought abt not
answering amd waiting for someone else to post, then i realise i could write fuck you
noew i only need to decide if ur a monkey or a sheep!
this brings me to my question:
carl, a monkey or a sheep?
answer honestly
milan! everybody laughs at inter
spend a lifetime in prison with possibility to fuck many girls or spent a lifetime free to commit each type of crime with no consequence but with no sex at all?