This or That?

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man wow WTF :D erm the answer?

i prefer the 2nt one but instead of paralyzed i prefer dead :)

sinner or holy?
don't have money for both, but if i had defo jaguar.
drive a car in germany or in holland?
man wow WTF :D erm the answer?

i prefer the 2nt one but instead of paralyzed i prefer dead :)

sinner or holy?
sup baby, tell us whats on ur mind, why u wanna be dead :(..
hard question tho eh? lets get some level here :)
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarm of course! :D

armani black or Issey Miyake L'eau D'Issey (i mean the fragrance)
Real Madrid (Barcelona is very good, but i dont like that they are allways complaining) :D

ban JetsonRay or not? :)

Big fucking tits, massive ass blonde porn star OR Big fucking tits, massive ass brunette porn star ?
don't see difference :D U think I would core about colour of hair ? anyone I would not fuck any girl with massive ass nor huge tits. I don't like big tits - small is beautiful :)

If u could choose: live in ancient Rome or ancient Greece ?
Mencjusz has small cock that why he said small is beautiful hahhaa

heheehehe of course. He dont even care hair he can fuck a yeti as well ( only if has small tits)

btw. ancient greece (they was siting and thinking and not working, and nothing changes till now)

motorcicle or quad ?
u gay dg! acient greeks thought that sex with men was better than with women :D
i hate quad it is cars weeknesses plus bikes weeknesses so motorcycle!
die of cancer afther many years of illness or die for sla (multiple sclerosys) afther many years of illness?
just euthanasia :P

urban vibrant city vs wooden house somewhere in uninhabited North Canada ?
if i have an awesome chick with me (whom i could fuck everytime i want to) ill go for the wooden house, if not city wtf!
im a social animal :D :D :D
being guilted for omicide or for rape?
comon JR in your age u wanna fuck evrything whats move :P


hard question now: :P

being Filix or being Hector ?
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