- open own buisness
- have healthy child
- finish house
- visit Australia
- bought Nissan GT-R
- have very big collection of knives
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Reactions: KrazyFire
I want a nice wife , and two healthy child, ( one girl, and one boy ofc ) a happy life, nothing more. I dont need millions, to do it. I wish the bests to you guys :D
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Reactions: KrazyFire
I wanna fuck a monkey in ass :D
LOL seriously i want to finish university in a good way and Larry my girlfriend :) job qnd so on will come anyway ;)
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Reactions: KrazyFire
- Win Euromillion. What is a hard thing, cos I have never tried to play it.
- Travel all around the world, specially Europe. And staying in the cities for at least 2 weeks, and then move to the next one, staying longer in the ones I feel like.
- To get married when Im 33, and then have some children, 3 maybe.
- to have a motivating job, in which I really enjoy what I do, as If I was playing swat.
- parachute.
- A daily backup of forum and servers, to give it to kf when he crashed everything.
- learning more german, and then French, Russian and portuguese.
- make a WM meeting in my future mansion.
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Reactions: KrazyFire
only one wish in all my life...I want good wife and have kids and I dont need anything else :)
and ofc WM meeting one day :D
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Reactions: KrazyFire
Well since i got everything i want already

-a magical healer
-A dog version off menc.. then i always heve someting to kick at :D
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Reactions: KrazyFire