The Spam Bam Word Gam'

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virus u azz. u close few threads. u wanna show yourself how good moderator you are :P it sucks:P
btw someday you will buy iphone ..... 2 years an will be cheap as nokia 3210 :)
virus! u should blackmail manolo to send you the iphone otherwise u will bann him(or close his fav threads)! :P
:ban::ban::ban::ban::hehehe::hehehe::hehehe::hehehe::virus_alert::virus_alert::virus_alert::virus_alert:yeahhh goood idea Bob.

you two DG and Filix, you have a week to buy an iphone or nokia 5800. and send it to me in a week


virus, u have one week to buy a new pc.. i'm sure that the old one is going break veeery soon muahah :biggrin:
filix78 said:
virus, u have one week to buy a new pc.. i'm sure that the old one is going break veeery soon muahah :biggrin:

lol u thinking about some italian sonoma beach terorist atack on his pc?
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