The Small Talk - Topic

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btw. Miss Germany 2011
hahaha :D anyone of you who likes How i met your Mother? In one show, and i cant remembre its name , Barney Stinson said something like:
" It was always the same with gorgeous women. First they worked as the men's slaves in the ancient age. Then, after the deveopment of aircrafts they became stewardess. Today, the pharmaceutical branche needs some good outward appaerence and so the gorgeous looking women start working there"

Well, in the post of Carl about miss Germany thy say that she is working as an pharmaceutical- assistant :D
Please tell me that wasnt funny?
lol i love how i met ur mother and i do remeder that episode :D
btw would u believe that miss italia is only 18?
lol the funny thing is that they talk about masturbation on toilets as if it was a common thing.. :D
in fact in is! i mean in italian's middle schools happens loads of times :D is a really messed up situation and teachers arent able to solve it! then when u ask me why italy is in the chrisis id rather say cant believe it come out only now...
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