The party LAN


Retired Member
Dec 6, 2010
Hi there guys, myself, Marlboro, Toothy, Abby and maybe another UK based player are heading the LAN april 18th-20th. (Holland)
It's the party the link is here
It is a recreational LAN costing about 50 euros including access, camping, free soft drinks and entry to competition.
There is a 99% chance of a competitive CoD4 tournament being held. The game is dying out I must admit and I plan to grab the last couple of LAN events while they are still going. If anyone would like to come with us to either compete or just to have fun there then please contact me. Either use xf: mitchford or my ts ip is usually someone is on

see you soon :)
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unfortunatly this is during exam times, i doubt i can join, but i ll let you know bro, hf there and show em what ur capable of,

The new cods don't allow U to choose the server U join so why should we do that? We rather scout for some other fps games, like bf series or killzone or similar!
Abt the lan I won't be there, but good luck!
Don't worry you guys that can't make it, it's a shame I would have loved any one of you there !! @desty and co. Have you got your tickets yet ? If not why don't you guys grab a table with us ? Seats are running out VERY fast!!
Also yeah CoD4 is dying I guess but it is an old game compared to the 100000 pathetic attempts that IW and treyarch have been trying to pass off as sequels. I don't know about anyone else but myself and Alex have been playing bf3 quite a lot and I recommend it to anyone. It's very different to the call of duty series but if your a skilled CoD4 / generic fps player then it's easy to transfer that skill and enjoy quite a slower paced tactic based fps
mitch no we dont have any tickets yet, but reserved 5 slots for my team, ab31-ab35 on floorplan, and aswell most reservations are shit and get removed soon, cause no clan/team will need about 20 places on several tables ...

we will buy them @the end of the month
oh man I would come but I am working that weekend sounds like something I would enjoy I love camping it up