The Introduction

@Xavii: Yeah the Spanish part Gladbach is famous :: )

@pilleman: i study at Bochum, but actually everything right of the Rhine is East Germany to me :: )
OMG nrw gonna take over wm :D Hey bro

pilleman you didnt like the BUW? :P
i used to "habitate" the very first fleet above the central station... in the evening i often used to sit down on/in (whatever) my hammock while drinking some finest Stauder (Essener beer) and enjoying the different ethnic groups dealing drugs, beating each other and asking some of the whores there "how much". then i finished my 2nd bachelor of arts there (history and social science) and THANK GOD , i was able to get back home to essen!

KF should plan his wedding here aswell, or his parents should, or his in-laws should, or his camel.
  • L (D) i k e
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pilleman182 said:
different ethnic groups dealing drugs, beating each other and asking some of the whores there "how much".
Best description ever