the ban game

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ban salmon cos he doesnt know where duck is going on holidays in spain. which city u going ? :D
ban xavi because i prolly know where he is going, since he is dutch; sevilla, barca or mallorca
Ban Salmon cos he's dutch and for that he would go on holidays to Sevilla, which is a shit place.
ban xavi, because ive never been there, i just know most dutch ppl will go to 1 of those 3 places, ask duck :)
ban salmon cos he didnt notice that all this shit is just an indirect way to ask duck about his holidays in spain
ban DG cos I went to guy vodka to celebrate tonight's party and they said some Artur had bought it all.
ban panda coz he got trial!!
u must wear trial tag |wm| on xf and in game!
trial lasts at least 2 weeks ;) be as active as u can and remember that we will be watching ya :P
good luck :D
ur trial will start as soon as kf puts servers back up :D
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