that made my day !!!!!! Raiden wants to be leader

I didt ask no one to be Teamleader but its nice from KF and Filix,I think I earn it but
I dont know what that mean but its cool name ;)
Thats KF and Filix idea..
ok guys there's a fact that nobody noticed. raiden is 15 years old, but he says he's 195cm already. maybe leader is not enough for him he should be the GOD of the clan D:
I went to vacation and when I came back, I was Higher admin. Next vacation, I expect to be leader when I come back!!!! ;)
some people is living in their own world, call him a leader if it makes him so happy! lool And now spam this thread ;)
DarthGhost said:
lool some ppl have sense of humor..... raiden how can you be leader if u have 36 posts. First u need to end Spammer shool:P

ahahaha +1 DG ;) a requirement to be leader is to be a pro spammer ;)
darthghost he wen xfire spam school not forum spam poor for him and poor for me and filix/virus he spams atleast 1-2 times when im online ;)