Teamkill off/on public promod server

Shall we allow teamkill on public promod COD 4 server

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Oct 18, 2009
I would like to ask about your opinion, arguments. That poll do not decide about anything (settings server) I wanna meet view more players.
Personaly I voted yes cause game become more tactical. Ofcorse minus is extra job for admins
voted yes because i think its an important feature, makes the others watch their fire and stop spray n pray in some occasions.
mmh i think that if its possible to set the auto-kick for people who team kills 2-3 times it would be nice...with no autokick i think it wont be good
Yes, I was thinking about that option some time ago.

Well I think TK should be ON, with such thing like auto-kick (if there is an option like this). It's really bad when ppl start to run and shot randomly without even thinking what they are really doing.
I hate to add this cause server is busy 24/7 impossible to admin and no auto kick feature for this game
ah would have been nice coz the game becomes more realistic...
kf are u sure? coz on some servers there is auto kick for insults (like if u write fuck or gay u get a warning and after 3 or 4 warnings u get auto kicked), maybe it exist for TK too
well I played on server when you made tk you got kill either :) I think that fair option So even if someone wanna mess than he will be able to make tk only once. Well even if tk happen than u can change it to 2.
Voted no. It's pub, there's many players.. each player 1 nade, if somebody rushes into my nade I'll get minus points/possible kick.. in war it's different. I can say ''kf don't rush alley, I'm nading'' in pub people run all over etc. I think it will make promod srv less busy ;)

also some people are douchebags and walk into fireline on purpose when they know tk is on.. just bad imo.
well on damo's server there was tk n the few players i invited in liked it! mike miyers who is a jerk loved it too!
btw today promod was full 22 slots i had to wait a bit to get in!
well if its even possible to decide between teamnade and teamkill i bet u can set teamdamage to 50% for nades and weapon damage...:.:.:.:::::.:....::..:::.

btw i voted yes because i 1) love to see people getting kicked for being either aimless or brainless and i 2) do not appreciate getting killed by a third person thats shooting his front 2 teammates back's so..

well on the other hand beanie's opinion is obviously understandable aswell. and it would be more work for you admins:S anyways my opinion is VOTE YES
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