- Jan 4, 2009
- 5,133
- 464
- 33
Summer is coming, and as the past 7 summers (if my maths don't fail) WM faces this year season with a great clan and gaming activity. Here is a summary of our current situation, and some measures taken in order to keep and keep growing.
- SWAT: after some years dying, the game is now buried. WM was formed as a SWAT clan back in 2005 and will always stay a SWAT4 clan. In my view, the best for a simple reason. It has been the only VIP/RD SWAT4 clan that was full active since almost the game started until its end always with an active team taking successfully part in every VIP/RD tournament. In the last years, with the competitive side of the game dying, WM had a last goal. Keep a big, cool and skilled enough SWAT community in order to be able to enjoy this game at any time. We consider we have fully reached that goal with recruits like Keyes, Pisto, Ben, Rugi or the recent KL merge. Game is dead for everyone, but WM can still anytime enjoy a 8vs8 internal game with high gameplay level.
- COD4: I remember our HC S&D server always full in the last 4 years or even more, it's still so, and that is not an easy task. It takes a lot of atenttion from Team leaders and admins. Our promod activity is always changing, sometimes up, sometimes down. But WM is what the members want it to be, nobody will force us to play promod or to join a tournament. However, we find that playing tournaments/cups makes the clan more united, it increases the team feeling. So, in case anyone is interested in playing any kind of tournament, no matter if promod/hc or whatever, we encourage you to post it on forum, so it can be argued and see if there are enough members interested.
Alex will be given full access to servers in order to fix anything related to them. More promotions like Mr.Red and Beeswax will follow.
- CS:go: since SWAT was dying for a long time, we have tried to jump into a new game for a long time. Seems we found the one. Emo has done a good job as TL, and what is most important, the amount of members playing regulary is big. However, we are just started there and we have to keep moving forward. After talking to Emo, we have set a new objective for the section, and in order to achieve it, some measures.
Objective: recruit 2 or 3 experienced and skilled players during this summer, in order to be able to join some tournament in september/october.
Measures: We have to fill more our server, so that other players can get to know us. Everyone must wear WM tag, nobody can like WM if they don't know WHO is WM.
Emo will be long AFK this summer, Michal and Zugi can be in charge of the section.
Zugi currently hosts our CS:go server and he will be given access to our other servers so that he can also administrate them and we are not so dependent to Krazyfire's avaliability.
Stay Gay, always yours,
- SWAT: after some years dying, the game is now buried. WM was formed as a SWAT clan back in 2005 and will always stay a SWAT4 clan. In my view, the best for a simple reason. It has been the only VIP/RD SWAT4 clan that was full active since almost the game started until its end always with an active team taking successfully part in every VIP/RD tournament. In the last years, with the competitive side of the game dying, WM had a last goal. Keep a big, cool and skilled enough SWAT community in order to be able to enjoy this game at any time. We consider we have fully reached that goal with recruits like Keyes, Pisto, Ben, Rugi or the recent KL merge. Game is dead for everyone, but WM can still anytime enjoy a 8vs8 internal game with high gameplay level.
- COD4: I remember our HC S&D server always full in the last 4 years or even more, it's still so, and that is not an easy task. It takes a lot of atenttion from Team leaders and admins. Our promod activity is always changing, sometimes up, sometimes down. But WM is what the members want it to be, nobody will force us to play promod or to join a tournament. However, we find that playing tournaments/cups makes the clan more united, it increases the team feeling. So, in case anyone is interested in playing any kind of tournament, no matter if promod/hc or whatever, we encourage you to post it on forum, so it can be argued and see if there are enough members interested.
Alex will be given full access to servers in order to fix anything related to them. More promotions like Mr.Red and Beeswax will follow.
- CS:go: since SWAT was dying for a long time, we have tried to jump into a new game for a long time. Seems we found the one. Emo has done a good job as TL, and what is most important, the amount of members playing regulary is big. However, we are just started there and we have to keep moving forward. After talking to Emo, we have set a new objective for the section, and in order to achieve it, some measures.
Objective: recruit 2 or 3 experienced and skilled players during this summer, in order to be able to join some tournament in september/october.
Measures: We have to fill more our server, so that other players can get to know us. Everyone must wear WM tag, nobody can like WM if they don't know WHO is WM.
Emo will be long AFK this summer, Michal and Zugi can be in charge of the section.
Zugi currently hosts our CS:go server and he will be given access to our other servers so that he can also administrate them and we are not so dependent to Krazyfire's avaliability.
Stay Gay, always yours,