Sorry all friends

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Oct 14, 2013
hey all sorry for my behavior, i was talking to jetty and i promise i will change attitude on the server, but please unban me and give me a temp ban instead. i understand i was doing a wrong thing. sorry
What is the problem? Why were you banned and by whom? Wait for that admin to answer you here.
here it is red october :

u were in our blacklist as a troublemaker for a few weeks already. Reasons were insult to members, constant complain about wallhack (to everyone), insult to pretty everyone.

It was said that if u keep going this way it was a perm ban.

When i banned u u spent ur evenning saying to me BAN HIM BAN HIM BAN HIM. it doesn't happened only once, and by time it comes annoying.

then u had a target, and kept arguing and insulting him for like an hour...I asked u to stop but u kept arguing and complaining about wh (not on cless, on someone else).

so here are the 2 reasons :

- fucking let the admins do their jobs and stop asking for bans. ur not in the right position to do so.../record if u wanna someone to be banned
- u can say shitter to someone or rage when u got killed, but ffs we are not kids, this has to end after some time, u can't polluate the chat for hours with those bs.

your unban is not my choice, since u annoyed many members before me. so let them decide what they re gonna do.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: damn
Hi Ryu, you are one of those who are most fond of. whatever i answer your message.

constant complain about wallhack (to everyone)

i think you are talking of some weeks ago before other admin learn to me how to make a demo and post on forum.

When i banned u u spent ur evenning saying to me BAN HIM BAN HIM BAN HIM.

Error, i was saying KICK HIM (to lowruna) and when you ask me why i told you "I want his ping XD". So i was joking.

then u had a target, and kept arguing and insulting him for like an hour..

who i insult for 1 hour??

.I asked u to stop but u kept arguing and complaining about wh (not on cless, on someone else).

i was not insulting anyone so the day you ban me its impossible to told me to stop and i dont remember other day when you told me stop insult people because you are was always friendly with me and if i say loser or noob to player you always dont say anything. I think you can read server log for be 100% sure.

u can say shitter to someone or rage when u got killed, but ffs we are not kids, this has to end after some time, u can't polluate the chat for hours with those bs.

but i dont remember that the day that I have been banned i have annoyed someone. I play 2 map. Crash where 6Pat insult me in front of you. And 3 round of backlot where after i told to Cless to go search a doctor loser, you banned me. But when people insult Red October its all fine, but when me do it """ OH YOU ARE FUCKING ANNOYING RED OCTOBER"""". o No??

By the way i talk to Jetty and i was here for say sorry to this for my behavior and now that you mention i say sorry for my behavior of weeks ago...
And if pls its possible for me to show you that i can radically change.

"i think you are talking of some weeks ago before other admin learn to me how to make a demo and post on forum. " - No, I believe he meant that this happens daily.

"Error, i was saying KICK HIM (to lowruna) and when you ask me why i told you "I want his ping XD". So i was joking. " - You've said many many times to me "kick this kick that" and those weren't jokes. Reasons were like some was blocking when you tried to rush etc.

"who i insult for 1 hour??" Everyone you don't like and kills you

"But when people insult Red October its all fine, but when me do it """ OH YOU ARE FUCKING ANNOYING RED OCTOBER"""". o No??" This can be true for the most part cause of your own behavior towards others always. If others can/must take the shit you throw at them, you must have balls to get insulted also.

Ban stays for now
Hello Ceee. I was also waiting a your comment about it.

Having said that, I can only apologize again for everything i've done in recent months and for the trouble i caused you.
I hope you to review your decision, and to give me the chance to prove that I can change my attitude.

CYA all

i have nothing against you dude, u know urself that i call people shitter, etc. But there is a few differences :

-i would never insult a WM member seriously as a member, and it looks like u did it as a pub player (reported in our private section)
-when i flame someone i do it once, and let it go then (he may answer me i won't keep arguing) u were insulting cless the whole time of backlot, and that was agressive and personnal insults
- u are also accusing of wallhack daily like C pointed out, which makes it very annoying for admins...
-when people insult you its fine? well noone was arguing on u for a whole map insulting like u did. most HC people are peaced out, even when u insult em...u don't have to push it to the clash.

6pat is flaming people, but he does it only once and then gives up. he's not an exemple, but he never went too far (imo)

but ur aware of all that according to ur apologies. Unban is not up to me.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Marlboro
My point of view,Red is true sometimes you was ask for ban anyone who you think was hacking and said to admins what to do and if they dont you was sarcastic(that was not polite).
second you insult players and behave bad with other players, sometimes i had to warn you but and the other player who talk to you bad, without to take the side one of you .Remember how many times i said (stop it !Red)or (stop it! other player name)so as admins we behave fair enough with you.
The true is the last week i see one step of better behavour of you i hope you get it why you are banned now and with the first stupid behavour or somethink else you will realy get ban for life.(If our members choose to unban you in some days weeks or months.).
For me WM mates ill go with you in your choises ,i dont have to sugest somethink i just tell facts and my point of view about red.
sometimes i had to warn you but and the other player who talk to you bad

true. you're the only who in some occasions hast defended me.

The true is the last week i see one step of better behaviour of you

Like i said to Jetty i've played for 1 week without chat. The mistake was to turn it on again hihihih

Thank you for your message. I hope to play soon with you and others.


I can confirm his bad behavior.
Ban stays for me.
hihihi Uga, not a surprise. You're the guy who call me gay from first day i play on the server remember??

Dude, gay is not even an insult, you should know that if you're playing on WM servers. Everyone is gay here and every member calls other members gay and other players gay.
Story of uGa

When i start play on the server, there was him with m21 camping always on same spot on the map crossfire. I was killing him always.
At a certain point i say in chat fucking campers or damn campers (nobody knew me) and him answered "stfu gay" i was asking gay? he told me "yes gay" and kick me from the server.


then, from him certainly was expecting to say that I should stay banned hihihih
Our members generally dont hate a player for 4-5 kills in a row in a map red: decisions like a ban take a while more (some weeks) to go through
hahahahaha i hate the player as zoo has he kills me first time, but some hidden forces stops me from ban ù_ù
Final decision up to ceee, but if I may say my opinion I would unban him. He's been patient and I think he learned the lesson
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