shafft for ban


Aug 19, 2011
Pls someone ban this dude.He is using wallhack at the hc server but no admin online. Clicker jong and stoner will support my opinion. Thanks for your time!
it helps if you 1) give us his guid or ip 2) post in correct thread which I've made ;)
and also, demo demo demo demo.. its not that hard to press /record shafft
1. I searched for the correct thread but i didnt found it ,at that time.
2. I didnt remember the command for the guid , generally im bad at remembering things :P
3. Why dont you move the post since you can?
4. When we ll play lol ranked beanie? :huh:
btw i still cant find it(you dont mean the appeal thread ,do you?)
oh just saw that I put that thread into admin area, sorry my bad then :D I'll move to area where you can see it aswell.

We can play lol ranked whenever! just msg me when you see me on :) I'm ready to own.

edit: should be able to see it now.