
oky guys om sory for my childish doings but .i just wanted to be in your clan so badley .al do anything .i just hate all these noob that use marty and ls and 3xfrag .and theirs nothing i can do cuz theirs no admins on .and plus when you sleeping am playing and i just love the way you guys are friendly and have fun server's.and the another thing is am not like an 15 year old am not some kid that just sits and complains all the time and being a noob am a chiled relaxed guy .////////so sory for all , hope whe can forget about thise .and maby you wane consider me for wm its you decision
.i know am gone be a good doner cuz i am my gone have to seport you guys for another year
If ur using such a noobish way to get into the WM.. I rly can't say yes to you.. sorry
lol what a guy. starting with lie. Maybee you want be in WM but realize after u did, noone will respect u here.
In other sides i saw whorser things in COD section of nabs :P
hm.... this is wrong... starts with a lie says the truth after... hm... addiction is a fuck up at the end... COD is not the middle of the earth is just another game.
PS: age 15, that alone is a reason to not get accepted. The rest than happened or typed are like help to us admins to get to the not accepted decision. Saying the truth after is a nice plus BUT the short easy story got too complicated.

Thanks for reading.