Reasons why cs go suck dicks. :P


May 14, 2010
I cannot enjoy this game and, as always, when I have issue, I tryed to figured out reasons and ways to fix it. And the more I analysed own feeligs, the more I understoond, that I just not just dont like some aspects of the game, I basicly does not like it at all. Here is a few reasons for me to consider this game fucked up. Some of you may agree, some may not, as awlays, I give no fuck.
So here it is:
1) This game pissing me every time, when it crashes and I get ban for 30min\1hour because of error about broken game files. Even though rebooting pc magicly "healing" broken [VPK] files.
2) This game pissing me off every time, when it comes to playing on any map. Everywhere, any server, people are playing mostly 3-4 maps. For month I havents seen a map in de_ except dust2, train and nuke. Reminds me swat 1.0 with their brewer 24/7. Poor and boring wankers.
3) This game pissing me off every time, when I see oldfags, who for sure were playing this game since 1.6 or source and knows everything. In s4 you could trick experienced player just by using your brain. Here chance for that is about to be 0%. Only skills and stupid clicking are matter.
4) This game have retarded shooting mechanic. When you move even a bit is nearly impossible to hit somebody even in 2 meters. It's like the guy, which holding the gun, have epilepcy or tourette syndrome, or giant dildo-vibrator in his ass and his hands are shaking. Or, I especially like shotguns as another example: if you aim right in head - 1 shotkill. But if you aim just a bit away from the head - in torso or above - you giving around 15-30 damage and it doesnt matter, that logicallly still 80% of capacity should be stuck in enemy's head.
5) Those gun skins. I applause for Valve for this genious step to add analogue of hats from tf2 in cs, but What the fuck? 2 bucks for a RANDOM riffle (I mean cash for keys)? You gotta be kidding. I know here is a players-traders, but I'm not willing to trade with 15 years old kids. No thanx.
6) Did I mentioned retarded shooting system? Yes it is for pros, but that does not change act, that it's higly unlogical.
8) Where the hell are normal zooming for guns?
9) Where is the +1 bullet in ammo, if I reload not empty gun? You know, if you dont spend all ammo and reloading, you still have 1 bullets in the gun.
10) Where is the niger skins? That's rasist. I find this rasist, because in all modern shooters must be niggers to shot.

That's that I remember from last played match.
I hope you have fun from this game more than me.
1) That’s indeed a very frustrating problem some people have with games based on the source engine. Had this happening with TF2 years ago and never could fix it. TF2 at least doesn’t punish you with a tempban tho, that ofc makes it worse in your case.

2) That’s the exact same problem as in every game which has votings for the map cycle. If we’d enable that feature on our CoD server, it’d be Backlot, Crossfire, Strike and – once in a while – a short intermezzo on Crash and District all day.

3) CS is and always was a very skill based shooter, and CS:GO maybe is even the most skill-demanding version of the series. It’s designed by and for competitive players. Those people you play against here have been playing the game and it’s predecessors on the same maps for ages. There’s no trick you could think of that every single one of them hasn’t done a million times himself.

4) Ye, the shooting machanics, they’re special in CS, that’s true. While the underlying basic thought that movement decreases aim is certainly correct, the whole mechanics have been tweaked far away from any “realism”. The point is, it’s a video game. It mechanics don’t need to be realistic, they need to be controllable, reproducable, skillbased, precise. While certainly the shooting in CS is not for everyone, it’s (beside the hitreg probs some ppl might have, but thats another story) a well balanced system that enables players very well to train their abilities and improve. All in all, CS is a game where the factor “luck” plays a much smaller role than in, for example, CoD4 HC (which is ofc so different from the CS type of physics mechanics that it’s actually nonsense to compare them).

5) Ye, the skins. Well played, Valve. They’re a money printing machine, just like the Steam market is a cash cow. But you know the single good thing about all those skins? You don’t have to use them.

6) It’s not unlogical. It’s, in fact, highly logical. (see #4), it’s just far beyond driven for the sake of playability, skill demand, etc.

7) Original VALVe statement on release of CS:GO: “We’re sorry we couldn’t supply the player models with legs, but we added a lot of lags to make up for that.”

8) That’s a again a choice of the game / shooting mechanics system. CS started as a HL mod, back in those days aiming via constant crosshair / no extra sights were the standard. CS evolved, the mechanincs didn’t, which is, imo, understandable. TF2 is the same – old game, old fashioned mechanics.

9) Counter question: You have 10 bullets in your gun and only 2 shots left reserve. You shoot 2 times, then reload. How come the 2 shots from your reserve are added into your magazine? Magic? It’s a video game. Go look for realism in a real war, but beware – a lot of young men that love online fps games went to the war and were surprised how quickly they had enough of it’s realism.
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Yup, I liked your point about adding 2 left shots from the clip to your general ammo. In real life if you drop the clip, you dont spend the time on poking fingers in the clip to get left bullets. But still, that's not the same as magical dissapearing 1 shot from your gun.
I'm just the guy, who likes realistic stuffs in games. One thing is playing Planetside 2 and it is normal to have sniper riffle without bullet drop there, but the other is playing shooter with realistic weapon. Look bf3/4 - that's casual shooter, but still nothing there fuck up my eyes and mind. Pretty cool balance without serious breaking of physic laws.
Seriously? comparing CS:GO with BF3 & BF4? These 2 games are broken, their engine isn't even complete.
Anyway, CS:GO.

beeswax pretty much summed up my opinion.

Source engine is really good for it's hit registration, even if you got 100 ping you can still aim at a moving enemy and hit them exactly where you aimed.
*experience from TF2 since 2009, as any class that fires bullets.
On CS:GO it's the same for me, if I shoot his head, I know that after my PC sends it and the server will accept it, this will be 100% a headshot.

On other games, SWAT4 or CoD4 (Only on promod this happens) I need to shoot in front of the enemy to the direction he is running which can be sometimes hard to predict.
I am sure MissVampire will agree as she was usually playing with 200+ ping at SWAT4.
You probably play with no more than 30-50 ping, but I am sure that you felt this annoying thing in SWAT4 at least once.

Now, what does it mean? it means that in competitive play I know if I hit someone, the only time it takes for me to see him dead is the ping between me and the server, most of the time this is true, depends on the ticks the server has.

ADS was discussed before the game itself came out, people didn't want it, they wanted the game to be a classical CS game.
Also even if you had ADS, you can never avoid the spray pattern, so you still end up tap-shooting, ADS would have decreased your FOV and make you move slower, which is a huge disadvantage.

Also this "retarded" shooting mechanics and spray pattern avoids new players (and others) to spray all over the place and get random kills.
You wanna spray? learn the spray pattern! that's a penalty for spraying, learn side-step shooting which is much more effective, mostly at long range.

I can agree about the maps, only de_dos 2, inferno and nuke.
You can always go to matchmaking and try some other maps, you can also try different game modes, demolition has fun maps.

Before CS:GO I never really liked the series.

Don't play fair against your enemy, always use a flashbang or a smoke to confuse them, it doesn't make you a noob, it makes you smart.
Compared to people in SWAT4 calling you a noob because you stinged them and then engaged.

You need to bring the advantage to your hands, that's why there are grenades, flash or double flash before engaging a choke point or a bombsite.
A choke point is a point where the CT and T meet if both full rushing, if no enemies there as a CT, stay. As a T, find where they are, then use those grenades.
1) I don't compare bf series and cs. I just said, that I like shooting in bf3 way more, than in cs. Shooting in bf3 ain't that easy too, but feels way more comfortable for me. But I agree bf3 is kinda broken, hitreg and many other stuffs there are fucked up, that makes it extremely shitty for ESL plating. But idea of how shooting mechanic should be like in bf3 are closest to my ideal.
2) Not agree about perfect hit reg in cs. Depends on server. Sometimes I shot for the head and have no hit and somebody in ts tells me, that I was aiming meter away from the head. But I know that I shot right in head, muscle memory and reflexes way more accurate, than eyes.I just know that I hit, but it wasn't. Maybe just my Internet.
3) I'm not the pray'n'spray. Over 10k kills in bf3 from abakan with 26% accuracy is not a pray n spray style. In any game u use short burst. Because short burst rule in any game. Most annoying for me, that shooting in the walking like in s4 does not work. Standing motherfucker shoot you faster doesn matter how you walk. Idea of shhotin withou even little moving piss me off.
4) I five no damn about other calling me noob or idiot. In the end they are idiots for insulting newbie, which they used to be some time ago too. Their fault and problems.
That's my view to the game. I just wanted to tell, that it does not ''feel like a swat'' as pig said someday
The BF series has the worst thing that could possibly happen to a game that's made to play with 64 ppl on a map: clientside hitreg. It's not broken, it's flawed by design from the beginning.
beeswax said:
The BF series has the worst thing that could possibly happen to a game that's made to play with 64 ppl on a map: clientside hitreg. It's not broken, it's flawed by design from the beginning.
There are many other glitches and bugs and stupid things in game. Overpowered F18 with better turning(critical in dogfight), LAV-AD without recoil(anti-air machine gun shoting like it's a laser or smth), bugged textures, where enemy can shot you, but you cant even see him or hit and so on. In general playable, but could be better.

Warlord said:
Just play 64 player metro. You hit something no matter which way you shoot.
I'm not the big fan of it, but actually metro cq large with forbidden grenades, rpgs and explossion is pretty intense and competitive.

For those, who dont get: US side on metro have disadvantage. Whole round against 32 campers, still won in 40 minutes. Metro is pretty interesting if play it from time to time with friends or pros in squad to train teamwork.
Warlord said:
Just play 64 player metro. You hit something no matter which way you shoot.
It's awful. It's just a monstrous campfest; if every fps online game was like this my video game career would have ended with Unreal Tournament.
TheHunter159 said:
Source engine is really good for it's hit registration, even if you got 100 ping you can still aim at a moving enemy and hit them exactly where you aimed.
*experience from TF2 since 2009, as any class that fires bullets.
On CS:GO it's the same for me, if I shoot his head, I know that after my PC sends it and the server will accept it, this will be 100% a headshot.
Hit reg is absolutely bullshit in cs go and the whole world knows it. Worst CS ever made. Watch videos from youtube what proof it or test it yourself with bots...
Anyways this game only shines @ LAN, otherwise it's broken in every possible angle you look at it. :) Models are too big, valve even fucked up the movement :D

Also, there was a video made few years ago(ors.) where you actually shot bot(CT) in hand from right in front of it while crouched and the bullet went through the bot´s hand, through the head and in the wall. Hit reg = Hit in hand, not in the head also, eventhough the bullet went through his head, bullet mark was visible in the wall.
This video was uploaded in youtube 2 months ago

VOLVO doesn't pay attention to any issues. They only want more gay ass skins etc. etc. Sell the game for 15€ = whole shitload of more cheaters blablabla :D
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Ceeee said:
Hit reg is absolutely bullshit in cs go and the whole world knows it. Worst CS ever made. Watch videos from youtube what proof it or test it yourself with bots...
Anyways this game only shines @ LAN, otherwise it's broken in every possible angle you look at it. :) Models are too big, valve even fucked up the movement :D

Also, there was a video made few years ago(ors.) where you actually shot bot(CT) in hand from right in front of it while crouched and the bullet went through the bot´s hand, through the head and in the wall. Hit reg = Hit in hand, not in the head also, eventhough the bullet went through his head, bullet mark was visible in the wall.
This video was uploaded in youtube 2 months ago

VOLVO doesn't pay attention to any issues. They only want more gay ass skins etc. etc. Sell the game for 15€ = whole shitload of more cheaters blablabla :D
Well, he either has a bad interp ratio or bad rates, or he played MM which are known for having weird hit reg bugs because they run 64tick.
I almost never miss my shots with a AWP, I mostly miss at MM (for the same reason)
I played many MP games and Source simply has the best hit detection.
I never experienced any problems with hit reg in source games, unless of course bad rates.
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TheHunter159 said:
Well, he either has a bad interp ratio or bad rates, or he played MM which are known for having weird hit reg bugs because they run 64tick.
Jup, probably :)
128tick is really not that much better. There's hundreds of videos proofing that hitreg & hitboxes of cs go are retarded... Wish Valve would fix the issues but zero fucks are given :D Also the movement is stupid. As Emo said if I remember right: "Sometimes I feel like iceskating" or something like that? Stopspeed usually set to 75 = When running, you lift your finger from the button and you won't stop immediately, you just slide forward for a meter or so. This makes it rather annoying. Also accelerates are changed in some shiet, don't remember the values :D

Game would be much more skill based too if they'd just make the models smaller, as they used to be.
Ceeee said:
Jup, probably :)
128tick is really not that much better. There's hundreds of videos proofing that hitreg & hitboxes of cs go are retarded... Wish Valve would fix the issues but zero fucks are given :D Also the movement is stupid. As Emo said if I remember right: "Sometimes I feel like iceskating" or something like that? Stopspeed usually set to 75 = When running, you lift your finger from the button and you won't stop immediately, you just slide forward for a meter or so. This makes it rather annoying. Also accelerates are changed in some shiet, don't remember the values :D

Game would be much more skill based too if they'd just make the models smaller, as they used to be.
I know it's a game but it's more realistic if you can't stop right away.
Also if you would stop after pressing this would make side step shooting too easy, that's not what Valve wants.

If you hold A and then leave and hold D till you stop (same for W and S) you actually stop faster.
Making side step shooting more easy = More hard @ competitive ofc depending of what level you play :D

Takes time to get used to it, but it's still gay.

TheHunter159 said:
I know it's a game but it's more realistic if you can't stop right away.
Also if you would stop after pressing this would make side step shooting too easy, that's not what Valve wants.

If you hold A and then leave and hold D till you stop (same for W and S) you actually stop faster.
Obviously :rolleyes: