Random crashes


Jan 28, 2013
Sup people, I got one problem with CSGO.

It occured out of nowhere, what happens is that the game literally closes and puts me back to desktop without any error message or something like that.

Almost always crash happens when I join MP server. I see that timer in bottom when loading finishes and then game freezes for about a sec and closes. Once I got this same crash when I pressed "Browse community servers" button.

Verifying game cache and reinstalling game didn't work.

Any ideas what might be the cause of this? Maybe some configuration (though I didn't change anything lately)?

Thanks in advance.
first try to run the game as admin. Second maybe windows files missing.
I had the game running in admin and compatibility modes, so that isn't a solutuon.

But how can this be problem with Windows? The only game where I got this crash is CSGO...
Not even csgo.exe stopped working error?
Maybe you'll find something usefull here: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5014-OGNM-7613

What I suggest is reinstalling Steam.

Delete all files except
Steamapps (or/and SteamLibrary)
Something.blob (that file assures you won't be trade banned for 7 days, but I suggest still deleting, deleting it will also force you activate your account with your e-mail)

After deleting restart your PC and open Steam.exe, let it update, might take few mins, restart your PC for the games to appear installed.
If the games aren't installed, install them on the same place they are physically installed (don't actually wait for them to finish installing), then restart Steam and they will appear installed.
Try playing.

Hopefully this will work.

From tomshardware:

Disable multi-core rendering at CSGO video settings.
Also watch this:


* I didn't watch it, my internet package ended and it loads 1 second over 1 min, it was suggested there*
Reinstalling Steam didn't work.

And all these settings I already had them configured like that.
Well i think its common thing about source games. Same goes for left4dead and so on..

So whats the fix you might wanna post it if someone else needs help aswell :D
These crashes started to happen after some patch or...? I tried to check some fixes yesterday quickly but didin't find any good fixes, yet :mellow:
Maybe it's your game preferences. I used to have this kind of game crash with bf2 even years ago when I started the game on realtime priority while using Fraps, Sony Vegas and iTunes besides. Without having any knowledge on Software issues, I responded the issue by shutting down Vegas (which took ma loooooooooot of workload). I was and still am of the opinion that Software is being shutdown by your PC when you run it while using too much CPOU workload. I also had the problem with RTW quiet a few times.

Maybe you shoudl try to run CS:GO with less programms in the background?
Thanks Ceeee for effort, I already fixed it, but yea it was after patch, I read many people have same problem.

@KF: Nope, it appeared out of nowhere.

@pilleman182: Nah, I never run games with background programs. I use Gamebooster quite often, only programs running are usually Steam and Xfire. As always, I never had problems with these two, so they can't cause this. Antivirus, hmm never had troubles with it, all games work fine, including CSGO (before these crashes).

Anyway I fixed this by removing Steam configuration manually through Run window. I noticed sometimes Steam closes along with CSGO so I thought it could be problem with Steam. I can't remember what I actually wrote, but search for fix on HLTV.org forums if you get this problem. Also I placed back my old config.ini at the same time, so I kinda don't know which of these two is actually the fix, but since my config was always read-only, I assume we can call first one the fix for this :)
I always crash twice at the start of joining every MM(during the warmup), thankfully almost never midmatch.
Durden said:
I always crash twice at the start of joining every MM(during the warmup), thankfully almost never midmatch.
Any error messages? OS? All drivers up to date?

There's so many possible reasons that could cause those crashes. For example: Valve servers can cause this crash. Have you tried to change the download region from steam settings? If it's even possible anymore dunno cause I don't have steam currently installed but will install and try cs go again probably @ christmas holidays :)

1 reason could be that you've got some old commands on config(s) that are "deleted" and causing the crashes. Try adding cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 in autoexec and config.


PC specs?

Internet connection? Modem? Ports forwarded? Antivirus programs turned off?
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