PROOF ABOUT ViRuS!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahahahahahahahhahaha you dont see it coz GAY dont see that he is GAY. Coz for him its normal, but other ppl see that it isnt normal.

lol +1 xavii
ViRuS said:
when i was sleeping she had conquered my pc and uplaoded videos under my account and changed my avatarrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahahaahaha OWN3D.. also.. omg virus u stay sleep like a granny when a sexy girl is in ur house.. WTFFF
FiliX78 said:
hahahahahaahaha OWN3D.. also.. omg virus u stay sleep like a granny when a sexy girl is in ur house.. WTFFF

this is one of houndrets proofs that virus is GAY :P
that sound doesn t belong to me- my pc makes only bzzzZZzzzZZzzZZzzZZzzZzzZZzZzZzZzzzzz
[23:13] :} {ELF}Quarantine: Be ready, shave ur ass! I got new job: to make a pic of ur ass!!! >:DDDD
[23:13] |WM|ViRuS: looooooooooooooool
[23:14] |WM|ViRuS: which picture
[23:14] |WM|ViRuS: give me first
[23:14] :} {ELF}Quarantine: Your ass is a new target for me :P
[23:14] :} {ELF}Quarantine: i must to make it
[23:14] |WM|ViRuS: omgggggggggggggg
[23:14] |WM|ViRuS: stay away from my asssssss
[23:14] |WM|ViRuS: i don t let you touch it
[23:15] :} {ELF}Quarantine: I dont need to touch. just to make a pic :D
[23:15] |WM|ViRuS: u can t
[23:15] |WM|ViRuS: :D
[23:15] |WM|ViRuS: who forced you to da that
[23:15] |WM|ViRuS: how much money will they pay
[23:16] :} {ELF}Quarantine: :D i am not sure

He don't let me to touch his ass,,,, and a make pic either.. So he is totally gay xD
omgggggggg- she is really forcing me to RAPE her for convincing that i m not gay :P
Look what I found on facebook.

That fact Virus is living with pig in same room. Now we know what kind of sound we hear on ts :P
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Stop usin photoshop on my pictures.. btw pig is not allowed in Tukey, it s on goverment security , u can t feed pig :P
Hey Virus. For 50 Euros I'll send you a pic of MY ass. If you place it in Facebook as your avatar, you can easily proof that you are not gay with the flood of beautiful women that will immediately contact you!!! :P