Pranks :D

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RoyalRS said:
ARE U GRAZY...turkish women look pretty they are nice,if u come to europe u find lot fat chicks xD BUT some nice too

i love swiss , slovenian, czech, finland ,ukranian , russian girlsssssssssssssssssss ( all slav girls )
ViRuS said:
i love swiss , slovenian, czech, finland ,ukranian , russian girlsssssssssssssssssss ( all slav girls )

polish, don't forget polish girls, they good :P

and RoyalRS, about the europian fat chicks, here in Holland it's all nice tbh ;o
with an exception here and there ofcourse
go to America, supersupersized :D
well, every state have more or less beutifull girls. Mostly depend on what does beautifull means. However in overall slav girls are usually nicer than spanish, greek and so on. Also some asian grils are nice like japanese girls.
pfff u have no idea menc ... slave girls are all WHITE LIKE MILK, spanish have great tan
Slavic Xavii not slave :P

Yes they are the best.

And Mediterranean are nice but when they get old they look all like fat mammma and have destroyed skin by sunbathing
Ok i post new prank ofc my favourite vicitim is Casper:

he posted the thread "I am the best" here is the conversation :)

|WM|Casper: go look my post and enjoy :(

|WM|FiliX78: what post? ---------------------------------------------------------> I deleted it

|WM|Casper: in forum
|WM|FiliX78: i see nothing new
|WM|Casper: damn
|WM|Casper: wait
|WM|Casper: now go look
|WM|FiliX78: nothing ------------------------------------------------------------> deleted it again

|WM|FiliX78: -.-
|WM|Casper: come on
|WM|Casper: you delete it all the time
|WM|Casper: fu
|WM|FiliX78: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahh

|WM|FiliX78: enjoy it --------------------------------------------------------------------> OWN3D
|WM|FiliX78: ahahahahaa
|WM|Casper: hahahaahah
|WM|Casper: fu
|WM|Casper: dont do that
|WM|FiliX78: :(
|WM|FiliX78: cmon post it again
|WM|FiliX78: i promise dont delete it
|WM|FiliX78: maybe:D
|WM|Casper: hahaha
|WM|Casper: can you just move it from trash
|WM|Casper: ?
|WM|FiliX78: no i deleted it
|WM|FiliX78: this is not windows u noob
|WM|FiliX78: :D
|WM|Casper: fu
|WM|Casper: :D
|WM|Casper: now dont delete it
|WM|Casper: or kick
|WM|Casper: :D
|WM|FiliX78: dont worry :D
|WM|FiliX78: oopps
|WM|FiliX78: aaha
|WM|Casper: hahaaha
|WM|Casper: go enjoy my picture
|WM|Casper: :D
|WM|FiliX78: photoshop ownz
|WM|Casper: hahahaa
|WM|FiliX78: can i change the name?
|WM|FiliX78: in Raiden?
|WM|FiliX78: ahaha
|WM|Casper: hahaha no
hahahahahahahah Filix ur cruel.

Btw. Everybody knows this was Raiden Screens
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