ppl im bye >Ali G<

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Ali g

Jul 5, 2011
:( ppl how i see any want me here i decided say bye... first say sry to miss was good friend and beanie always here and casper thx for help me always hahahah and.. idk what i can say? i can say GoodGame and GoodMatch see us and be happy dont worry ^_^ ! Bye all!

(")(^.^)(") >> Be happy and always you been good... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ali G
well ali, i dont know what happened with ur trial... maybe miss can tell me, but anyway gl, bye, and te echare de menos!!!.
and.. nice girl xD
root traduction say KF i dont understand him xDDDDD and root i say bb wm no bb cod4 hahahahah :P later talk in xfire ok bro?
mmm 1 question virus why say cya in game? because i only say bb at want entry in wm because 1 miss (my friend) say at jetson 1 conver privated and jetson say all ... miss and me are good friend but how i lied i cant be wm ... and beanie say im alexandra
wait how did you know that I accused somebody named Alexandra of being you, if it wasn't you? oh wait, lemme guess. She's your imaginary girlfriend.

funny story bro. Also funny how 10mins after I accused YOU, you are here posting and trying to get out of the hole you made for yourself. Seriously get a life..
im sorry ali but such a behaviour cant be tollerated n u are still lyin to us coz miss is no way gona be friends with u!
please stop this shit now it has been even too long...i firstly was friend to u coz i thought u were a good gguy but u made me change my mind in a few days, more than all because what u did to miss!
please dnt talk to me never again
i dont understand u ,ali.. but anyway i am sorry for these bad vibes (mal rollo) .... what the hell u did? (¿que ostias paso tio!!? )

cu= see you
pretendia que ser una chica mas de una vez.. y trato de unirse en nuestro clan con nombres falsos..

sorry for my fail spanish :D but ye, he's gender confused it seems.
"pretendia que ser una chica mas de una vez.. y trato de unirse en nuestro clan con nombres falsos..

sorry for my fail spanish" nice spanish but you be consufed i was talking with miss and be all solucionated and idc why all see or read or hear all when i was talking writting with miss :/

IM NOT WANT PROBLEMS WITH WM ... and beanie i explain you the last night my father have ciber in spain and ppl use pcs all have the same ip and same files from cod4 ;) not accuse when you dont know thx and sry for the problems or bad vibes be here :/
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