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Retired Member
Feb 12, 2013
i just played on your hc server and got banned by ryu for reason wh. pls unban. i don't cheat -.-
I can't say anything regarding the ban because I wasn't there and I'm not gonna mess with Ryu's decision, but I can put in a good word for joe because even before WM I played with him on a private server like 4-5 years ago and never did I see him cheat and even now on WM servers I saw his gameplay multiple times. So I hope it's a misunderstanding or something, good luck joe :)
  • L (D) i k e
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i bought my cd key like 2012 or sth. i played on cracked servers since 2007 :D its my first legit key.
i was watching ur cam for a pretty long time joe...never sure, but always kinda strange, turning back changing way, suddently pwning and 10 min later doing shit...everone has its moments but then i had 2 situations :

the first was was on strike... i m behnd the wall, u gotta nade inside of the a area...but i was much faster and i was already close to your teammates and you...and u dropped the nade 5 m from you...just where i was...i through its maybe luck and watched u again pretty long. Then at the end of the map, i was jumping from the balconyin B and ran to avoid ur bullets, and u kept shooting me, through the wall, at my exact position and u followed my jump, finally killed me, and when i was just dead ur aim went krazy like u were prooving...see i don't exactly see was obvious and that fake autist aim was bullshit.

also u are saying to us it's ur first legit key? it means last ones were dirty? what kind?
what can i say? you really think i remember all of my kills and why i did this or that? all i can say is i mostly rely on my sound, i bang walls alot, yes, spray some spots and i always keep an eye on killed teammates and their positions etc.

as you probably know, i dont have a nice smooth movement or shit like that and of course i have up- and downtimes where i cant hit anything like everybody else does.

"also u are saying to us it's ur first legit key? it means last ones were dirty? what kind?"
when i started playing cod4 i only had an illegal version of the game. therefore i got a generated key and could only play on cracked servers. first was FoD-Server, my first clan aswell. second was wp-clan-server, then who's.

i never used any cheats in online games. and never will. please record a demo next time, if there is a next time for me on your server :P
okay then, u seem like reasonable dude, u always kept polite and damn know you, those shots...mmh well we ll see later how ur gameplay really is...i agree to unban you, but u ll have a particular attention from me from now on

someone may unban him? i m shit with rcon thingies
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