Partnership with AR51


Sep 7, 2012
Hello WM-Members

I'm Sedjan from AR51 Clan. I'm often playing on your SnD Hardcore server, so some of you might already know me^^.
I really enjoy playing with you, aswell as my clan does, so i thought about a partnership with you.

I guess you don't know what i mean with partnership^^'.
Well it means that we're gonna have sometimes training together, clanwars against eachother and against some other clas (together), that if you need a man for your clanwar we can help you and so on. But it also means that we talk about further plans, or we can make a video together and so on...

If you're interested in it pls write it down here ;) or talk to me per xf.
my xFire is: Sedjan

Best regards
Sedjan ;)
Hi m8,

Welcome in Forum. Enjoy your stay here and in game servers :)

But I doubt any partnership will be welcomed, as [AR51]Kevinos try to hack our server in the past
Really??? Sry i didn't know about this... I guess i'll leave ar51... He's hacking everyone and anything -.-
I'm really sorry for that he didn't tell me about it-.-
There obviously won't be anykind of partnership cause of Kevinos´s actions.

+ Sedjan did leave AR51, or am I wrong?

The topic can be closed.
Yep the topic can be closed^^ and i left AR51, i'm only waiting until you fix the application form^^

And sry i really didn't know about it... :(
We dnt share those infos generally so U couldn't have known :)be patience and wait for kf to fix app from :)
lol he hacked us to i hate that kid so much........


he done it for third time today lmao.
i know how to fix that problem u getting he has hacked ur rcon password and he can download it everytime u start the server cause u need to add new pass in command line and not in cfg :)