Operation flashpoint 2


Jan 4, 2009
this game has just been released and i think u should get it.

the graphics are good(i played with medium quality and was good). the thing is u can play online even if u downloaded the game so it's worth to try. Maps are BIIIIG, i couldnt find the end of the maps u can run for years lol but it's mostly forest. the movements are not as good as in swat or cod4 but it's not bad anyway.

the part that i like in the game is that it's great for teamplay in infiltration and cooperative modes cos the big size of the maps gives u many possibilities.

in resume it's not as good as cod or swat but it's diferent in some ways so i suggest u to try it.

minium requirements:
Micro Procesador: Dual Core CPU 2 x 2.4 GHz.
· Tarjeta Gráfica: Shader 3.0 (GeForce 7900 GT / 256 MB VRAM o superior) DirectX 9.0c.
· Tarjeta de Sonido: Compatible con DirectX.
· Memoria: 1 GB.
· Espacio en Disco Duro: 8 GB.

ask me for torrent :P
The game didnt get very nice marks here in Germany,
the AI is very good, but the game doesnt seem to be totally finished.
Maybe you should recommend Operation Flashpoint from 2001
yeah sometimes it's a bit noobish, whoever developed it has never played online xDD anyway it has some good things.
This game looks good but still for me swat4 is the king :D

BTW: Thanks Xavii for "help"
Lol !! sabb u mean i didnt help u to install ?? i told u to install daemon tools !
daemon tool sometimes dont work properly. better if he got image of disc. Swat 4 working with image in virtual CD
Xavii said:
Lol !! sabb u mean i didnt help u to install ?? i told u to install daemon tools !

No it works ! thx m8 ! I wrote "help" because I didn't want to write "thanks for game" xD

Ahhh FiliX also thanks :D