Norje Banned

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Dec 25, 2012

So Jetty, you just banned me? At least someone did. Hope you got a record, cause that was no wallhack mr.
my fault zet, didn't remember that was ur undercover gay nick, unbanning in process
well i know him for long time and since i had no proofs if he would have come here complaining abt ban id unbanned him anyway, as my bust wasn't solid
..and that's why a demo could help others believe I'm not cheating :) Anyway, the unban process seems to take a while.
!l Norje = 3 sec
!unban @# = 3 sec


Anyway, I just pasted my other guid to join server, and got banned right away (based on IP i guess). So there's two guids to unban, if you're still going to unban.
mh yea, the b3 ban got deactivated, you however still have been on the banlist, unbanned now i guess.

whats your 2nd guid? i only found one entry with the name 'norje'
Don't know the guid. Search for dbl-0.ZeT or Sjunde :)

I spoke to Cee on Xfire. I was unbanned, but as I connected to server, I got banned right away (by B3 I guess). He has sent a message to krazy.
Jetson as you do these god damn bans which even I can't unban, you are the one who's job is to spam krazy and tell him to fix this

KF you forgot to mention how did you unban last time?

Oh and if it won't get fixed, I'll take the permban command away from higher admins
i don't care of this ban, just popping up to say that i don't like neither of these 3 pricks: sjunde, norje, zet. period. Glad to figure out its the same dude.

yippie ki yay mf.
I'll never use !permban ever again...but tbh its shit that unban doesn't actually work. I'll spam kf
dont remove permban i want use my banhamer when i need, just ban jetty :D
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