Noops on WM server

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Sep 11, 2009
Hi mate's,

I was playing a lot the last day's on your SWAT server .... and all day noop's and bugger's and also cheaters (even with anti-cheat) are playing a day long on WM server.

My congratulation's to the new admin's and super-admin's .... but .... every time I played ........ some of them were there ... but reporting and reporting from me an other players of the behaviour of such noops got no reaction .... I make the constatation that NOBODY of them admin's ACT ........ and that's shitty ..... it's so amazing to play there ... and admin's not acting .......

It's fucking to see own members of team, killing, hurting, shooting, peppering and nading on purpose OWN team ......... to see noops killing the VIP or hurting him on purpose ...... and admin's on server and even in the same team DON'T ACT.

Maybe you rules agree with that to get players .... but for and advertise player .... IT'S JUST A BAD ADMINISTRATING OF SERVER.

I hope that, in the future, the SWAT server is better administrated and than good players can join and have plaisir and fun with WM.

Best Greats - Noop 2_furious
#1 tell names of admins who didnt act, wihtout names, we cant ask them to act next time(s)
#2 server automaticaly kick teamkillers, teamnaders, and mute the the ones who are using restricted words(hopefully)
#3 server doesnt allow players the use the well known bugs, they will be auto moved from the bug
#4 next time pls ask another |WM| member via xfire to do something
bah i agree all WM admins suck. i tk/teamhurt/taze villa and euska each time they're near and nothing happens.
i always try to help u when u report me, furi. even i m not in the game.

for cheaters : you call woop woop as cheater but he plays on UAC2, and i can say that honestly the most clean clan is WM. we follows cheaters all time and keep ban forever. if u have video proof, share with us then we ban him/her/shemale

at xavi : euska and villa reported us, pls don t do anything to xavi we give his punishment on real life ( euska told me that he gives bj us )
m8 i respect u as old swat player but the only problem for me is:

u call players as cheaters very often. u can be right but the best thing to do is to take video as a proof of cheating but i am pretty sure that in many case u are wrong in a question of cheating.

In a question of team banging etc. i must say the one of first player who could be kicked sometimes is u (if u want i manage to show log of server with admin messages)

anyway SBSP post tells everything what is necessary to solve any problem
I would add that we have Mark mode on our server and we know who really team nades or team spray and etc. We try to take fast action when a player behaves badly.
I don't really understand how can they break so many rules and not get kicked by Mark's Mod..maybe you're slightly exaggerating? :) I really doubt that it's as bad as you're saying..and I agree with da.
markmod allows:
1 vk each map
+ 2 tks each round
+ 4 times teamgassing each round
+ 4 times teamstinging each round
+ 4 times teamflashing each round
+ 4 times teamhurting each round
+ 4 times teamspraying each round
+ ? times teamtazing each round
+ saying twice forbidden words
did i forget something?

the mod allows you to do many things each round before acting and only kicks if you tk or vk too often ...
so, if there is an admin he should act before markmod does ...
SBSP said:
#1 tell names of admins who didnt act, wihtout names, we cant ask them to act next time(s)

Yep, you are right, but it's not in my habit to disclose name's in such cases. I think that this must be handled inside clan.

As Da said, he is managing the log of the server, you have thus the possibility to look who was playing at the same time as me.

#2 server automaticaly kick teamkillers, teamnaders, and mute the the ones who are using restricted words(hopefully)

I also can agree with you, and indeed the server kick's many noop players. But in this case I was talking about players knowing this as well. Those players are not noop, they are just nading or killing ones per game. But they do it again all new game. Most of the time the goal is to arrest the VIP tazed by an other player, killing the VIP arrested by other team members before they can do it, hurting own members to be faster as them ... and ... and ...
This guy's are PROFESSIONAL FUCKER's an knowing as well what they do.

And exactly THIS is THE SITUATION why I ask for admin's to act ..... I tell them what's happend .... they just have to observe and to act ...
When WM admin's have the same tool as I had before, they can see howmany time a player nades / killed in one game .... just count ower all the games they play.

#3 server doesnt allow players the use the well known bugs, they will be auto moved from the bug

Bean: I don't really understand how can they break so many rules and not get kicked by Mark's Mod..

Yep, I also can agree with you ... except that this application was distributed by a fellow were everybody today know's that he is not faire playing and that he still put inside no important bugs, but that the bugs who can be usefull are still inside (He telled me that himself that some bugs are no bugs and that he is using those everytime).
And exactly this is what I telled to Virus about cheaters/bugger.
The name of them are well knowed ... but also the whole Delta team is playing with this bug's.
I got a discussion with a good friend of me in Delta. He said ... yep now we can use UAC ... and we are using regularly the bug's not detected by the programm. They also play with modified INI files changing the weapons feautures and the are knowing how to do that without that the servers didn't detect this. I have a great presumption that some members of WM also do so.
I made screen shoot's in the past, but it's not my assignment to detect them on a foreigner server.

#4 next time pls ask another |WM| member via xfire to do something

That's what I tried to do ... but i DIDN'T found an other admin connected (I don't have the whole admin's of every clan on xfire).

Da: In a question of team banging etc. i must say the one of first player who could be kicked sometimes is u

I also agree with this.
But first. I never nade, kill or taze ON PURPOSE and with BAD WILL. It happens, I know it well, but only in case were admin's NOT ACTING and I have to safeguard myself on server. I can play with noowbies .... but fulsome plz. There is a limit of behaviour.

I also agree that not all the members of WM are fancy to me. NP.

When I HAVE to say something .... I SAY it ... if it is pleasing or not.

As conclusion ... maybe WM is the most clean clan .... but surely the SWAT server is the worse administrated server actualy.

I stay an open minded fellow .... with the hope to have better conditions on WM server in the future.
Sincerely ....
dude i respect your opinion and i can say there are people with similar point of view around swat community as u 2_furious as well there are a lot of people with completely different point of view - i am of course on this positive site concerning admining of wm server

well i think both sides display their point of view.
I have to say there is every time the possibility to choose where u wanna play :).

Thread closed
2_furious said:

with all respect furi: ur post includes a lot of bullshits and presumptions(without proofs) DA made a good job when he closed this thread!

and im really sorry for being rude mate.
|WM|da said:
dude i respect your opinion and i can say there are people with similar point of view around swat community as u 2_furious as well there are a lot of people with completely different point of view - i am of course on this positive site concerning admining of wm server

well i think both sides display their point of view.
I have to say there is every time the possibility to choose where u wanna play :).

Thread closed

Couldn't agree more Da :D
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