No x3 nade rule public discussion

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Sep 30, 2007
This is thread is for people outside the clan to see what they think of this rule
first nades are op, cause grate radius + damage. In hardcore are more than op. At snd hc x3 nades x22 persons = 66nades in one round. Many ppl start every round by spamming nades at the usual routes that leads away from spawns if you add to this the no spawn camp rule, its a nightmare to the guy who wont play x3fags(i meant frags) :angry: To those that use x3nades is at the worse senario 1 kill per round by doing nothing just jump+G button. So my opinion is good work for not allowing them!! :wub:
Don't care about nades really, just hold back alittle or run faster :)
But what I do care about is getting my perma ban off >
a0145055 is my guid and your the one who banned me beanie baby :( I just used a diffrent nick ^^
guys tell me why u discuss such a noob rule? just enforce it... what discussions can there be? its one sided perk - spam nades, no other use of it..
me? when? Lately I only banned because somebody on xfire told me to.. I rarely ban somebody if I'm in srv myself. What nick was it?

I don't see your guid in hc or promod srv.. and I only ever ban thru pb so :) don't think it was me or somebody already unbanned you.
still banned:/ - used the nick namtab (reverse of batman) ^^ GUID: a0145055 - just checked a second time - was like monday or so I got banned i think.
np, one of our members told me over xfire to ban you.. but you were using different nick so I didn't know it was you. Guess I can't trust other peoples judgment anymore..
NO 3xnades rule?! ... oh i gonna miss my nades... maybe no nades in first 10 secs would be more appropiate . Its just my opinion.
well , i just play blacklot without 3 nades and looks very different ...xD
i used to sign : its raining nades ...uhhh ...aleluyah .....its raining nades..... ahhh..... from start..... :P
well , i just play blacklot without 3 nades and looks very different ...xD
i used to sign : its raining nades ...uhhh ...aleluyah .....its raining nades..... ahhh..... from start..... :P
i would like to say that this new rule needs a admin 24h per day ...
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