new matchmaking restrictions


Retired Member
May 30, 2014
  • Added three restrictions to Competitive Matchmaking:

  1. If a player does not have a competitive Skill Group, they will not be able to queue in a party with a player having a very high Skill Group

  2. Accounts are restricted to two Competitive wins per day until they receive their competitive Skill Group

  3. Unless they are in a party of 5, players will not be able to queue for Competitive Matchmaking if their skill group range is very large.

I think Valve really fucked up the matchmaking system with this latest update. pointer 3 means if the team has a mix of nova and silvers then you cant play together unless you have a full 5man premade. And even then, last night they managed to match our team of 2 nova3s, 3 silver2s, against 2 mg1 and 3 novas. And they did this for two games in a row. thanks for killing the fun valve. now if you are trying to play with silver mates or introduce new players to mm it's nearly impossible to do so without getting fcking raped match after match.
Of course they'll match you with higher ranks,
if you are 5 novas premade it's more likely to get MG as your opponents, as long as they aren't premade.

IMO it's good because that's how people got boosted
Silver I plays together with a LEM, the LEM does all the work, the silver I gets to MGE and ruins all the gameplay when he plays, and this is what we see today.
Well when i played it.. those restrictions seemed to be upside down afterall.

I think its about time to focus on little more community games within wm
TheHunter159 said:
Of course they'll match you with higher ranks,
if you are 5 novas premade it's more likely to get MG as your opponents, as long as they aren't premade.
mate, our team was one nova4, one nova3, three SILVER2s

they matched us with a team with 2 MG1, and one nova3, and two nova2

before the update we were getting teams of nova1s and the games are just about balanced and enjoyable. now they fcked it up big time
I stopped with matchmaking long time ago, simply waste of time playing with 4 guys who always come in these 4 groups:

- Complete beginner
- Solo player, will always ragequit after few rounds lost

Playing with 5 WMs is cool, but what I hate the most is that first we wait 10 mins for all to gather, then we join server and play without any tactics whatsoever. Spending half of match in standby, not actually playing/improving is imo a waste of time.

Come play on our Aim Maps server, it is f***** great! (Thanks to Pig) Nice skill practise and no people that cause you to pull your hair from head.
Durden said:
mate, our team was one nova4, one nova3, three SILVER2s

they matched us with a team with 2 MG1, and one nova3, and two nova2

before the update we were getting teams of nova1s and the games are just about balanced and enjoyable. now they fcked it up big time
That's the point, you are premade, you know each other, you probably know tactics and other stuff (that's what valve thinks at least)
So they give you better players to play against.
TheHunter159 said:
That's the point, you are premade, you know each other, you probably know tactics and other stuff (that's what valve thinks at least)
So they give you better players to play against.
so they give us mg1s against silver2s? you ever played with a team of silver2s before? i get teamkilled two three times a match by them
You are missing his point, Hunter wants to say that 5 premade nova 2 and 5 random nova 2 don't come in same match since Valve thinks premades know tactics and teamplay better since they joined game together. You were premade 5 players so game gave you stronger opponents, from higher skill group (maybe unfair but shit happens).

Logical thinking from Valve, and that is ok, but in reality doesn't work that way unfortunately.
Durden said:
so they give us mg1s against silver2s? you ever played with a team of silver2s before? i get teamkilled two three times a match by them
Well, Valve might thought that these are smurfs (the silvers) that help the enemy rank being lower, and by that helping those who are novas level up.
TheHunter159 said:
Well, Valve might thought that these are smurfs (the silvers) that help the enemy rank being lower, and by that helping those who are novas level up.
we all know smurfs in silvers exist but valve cant just automatically assume all silvers are smurfs.

the matchmaking system before wasnt perfect but the new updates are messed up. try do a few mms with silver friends and you will see exactly what im saying.
Linux said:
You are missing his point, Hunter wants to say that 5 premade nova 2 and 5 random nova 2 don't come in same match since Valve thinks premades know tactics and teamplay better since they joined game together. You were premade 5 players so game gave you stronger opponents, from higher skill group (maybe unfair but shit happens).

Logical thinking from Valve, and that is ok, but in reality doesn't work that way unfortunately.
I know exactly what hes talking about. The point is the average level of opponents they are giving us is disproportionately higher than the average level of my team.

to give you an exaggerated example of what im talking about. say im a global elite playing with 4 silver1 mates. The new matchmaking might try to match me with 5 global elites. exaggerated but thats what it feels like right now.
this is what happens when you matchmake with lower rank friends after the new mm restrictions
