new maps?


Retired Member
Sep 6, 2011
hi all !!
i know this topic is very boring for you, but please add more maps in hc server , round is very simple (just 5 maps: district, blacklot, strike, crash, and vacant) , dont know why rest broadcast, is a funny map, is not big, pplo are complaining about that.
I play hc a lot , please make me life more happy!!! THANK YOU!!
ye i agree ppl will go on other servers if there is no changes all time same maps...;)
this thread again :lol:

and sound if that was the case, our srv would have been empty by now.

and you forgot crossfire is in rotation too.
old rotation was fine! id love if it could be set back like b4 the second hacker attack:
crash, backlot, crossfire, district, ambush, crash, strike, broadcast,vacant in this very order!
8 maps gives us a better mix than 5!
why don't you make binds like me? that way you don't have to wait for console to spam 'em.
well u could put crash twice in rotation as it was before in both servers if u dnt mind ;)