New Maps 1.1 [Let´s Do It]


Retired Member
Apr 21, 2010
Good Afternoon WM. Today morning i download some new maps for Swat 4, and i tested all maps available on version 1.1 in VIP ESCORT, and in total of 43 maps, 26 maps are for multiplayer and 15 of them work for VIP ESCORT in 1.1 version, so i retire that maps and im uploading in a direct link for easy download. So i want to purpose you guys, if you dont want to put one server with this maps, for WM clan have some fun playing this new maps.

I will put here the names of the maps which work on 1.1 and VIP ESCORT and also direct link for download.

Name In Folder:-----------------------Name In Game:
MP-CityStreets.s4m----------------City Streets 1.0
MP-Clear.s4m-------------------------Clear - Room Service
MP-CombatZone.s4m--------------Combat Zone
MP-DEAD_END.s4m---------------Dead_End (Thats really nice map)
MP-LA_MINA.s4m-------------------La Mina
MP-MadShopping.s4m-------------Mad Shopping (Thats really nice map)
MP-New_Foodwall.s4m------------Foodwall (In pink letters) (really nice map)
MP-NewLibrary.s4m-----------------New Library 1.0
MP-ParkingGarage.s4m------------Parking Garage
MP-Prison.s4m------------------------Operation Prison Break
MP-ProjectSero.s4m-----------------Project Sero 1.0
MP-Subway.s4m----------------------Subway Station 1.0
MP-Warehouse5thStreet.s4m----Warehouse 5th Street

Link For Download:

P.S: Some of them say 1.0 in the end but work fine in 1.1! I dont know about 1.0!
works at 1.0 ?

loool joking. when i have time i test the new maps . we may play fun games on those maps
i was telling abut those map sience year but noone wanna set them on server. I got all of them on my PC
Im sure if there will be ppl who wanna play it it can be fun.

Im on YES for those maps
I checked some of them. Parking Garage and Subway Station look really good for matches. "Pink" Foodwall is really nice modified...making the map more difficult. Project Sero looks ugly and has many dark rooms - like Duplessis. Anyway would be fun to play some 16/16.
ye, but seems nobody cares about it, with so many server that WM have, nobody do nothing. Its not to me complaining, just to see swat section dying every minute
easy titinho . Situation become each day better. We trying rebulding swat section. 1.0 and 1.1 is almost everyday busy and servers work well. We need just start recruit little bit worth poeple and than we can hit stechkov, new maps etc
I downloaded already it, there are some nice maps but others are so big, this game is for inside maps and not outside and big maps like cod , its my opinion but anyways we could play it and pwn some asses :P