Need Help!


Retired Member
Apr 21, 2010
Guys, i want rollback my windows media player to 9, i have 11 at the moment and i try everything to unistall it, but when im going to install the version 9 it just say "you have a recent version of WMP"

i try control panel, i try regedit commands, and nothing works..
Everybody of you knows the solution?
remove MVP 11 in c;/program files/ also use ccleaner also u if you windows 7 u cant go down to wmp9
I already know the solution for the problem. The main problem is that i have SP3 and with SP3 if i install WMP11 windows automatically delete older versions of WMP. I try to delete WMP 11 but when i try to install WMP 9 it says i already have a recent version of WMp..

Anyway i dont need WMP9 anymore.. I find a template compatible with WMP11 and its all i need..
I have XP and Win7.
And i think Win 98 was most stable. But best windows was XP. I dont like Win7, probally mostly coz i dont kow it so good as XP (settings, configurating, etc..). But the worst one is VISTA. It some king of bullshit not a system!
win 7 rocks.

and titi jusst use newest version. why do u need ro use wm9 ? u can do with win7 whatever u want to do with wm9
u see guys? he is begging me for ban, how could i refuse this poor child? :(