My little kidneystone story! :D (ONLY FOR ONES WITH A STRONG NERVE!!!)

how u know what i shit out yesterday?? maybe it was even bigger than stonehenge?! :D
SBSP said:
how u know what i shit out yesterday?? maybe it was even bigger than stonehenge?! :D

not possible, then it won't flush out of your toilet? what did you do with it? :D
hmm brave man..
only thing i was wondering about, did the stone come with the piss, or alone?
because if it came with piss.. HOW THE FUCK DID YOU MANAGE TO PICK IT OUT OF THE TOILET! and why would you take the efford, or did you piss inside some net? to catch it, in that case, nice catch bro!
i managed coz im pro, and i must keep it, coz i want them to analyze it :)

(no hector, not anal-ice, analyze! :()