a guy wrote tomatoes on sicily (which btw is still part of italy not a country itself)...doesnt he know that tomatoes are an american fruit that had been imported by colonials?? more over sicily is famous for oranges not for tomatoes omfg
tbh i name all european countries...but the US states...i was only able to point on the map new york, cali, nevada and florida tbh i would try all the rest by luck cuz i know all the names, but i got no idea which one they are on the map.
i d randomly place 48 states on the map rofl...and i d prob have forgotten 1 or 2 also.
i ve never learned that in my scholarship, and i haven't been curious enough. my bad.so i don't blame them too much. i expected worse tbh.
eu is easy, i can name around 40% usa, but its hard for us, usa its mainly a block cutter up, while eu has great shape changes so should be easier to name eu
thou i can name many city in the usa, more than states!