Mencjusz pro spammer spammed back!


Retired Member
Jul 12, 2010
[23:03] |WM|Salmon: xD
[23:04] |WM|Salmon: never talked to you so long
[23:05] |WM|Salmon: gonna like it i think
[23:05] |WM|Salmon: give me something to talk about
[23:05] |WM|Salmon: you can do it!
[23:05] |WM|Mencjusz: go and spam no skillz
[23:05] |WM|Mencjusz: he won't survive two spammers :D
[23:05] |WM|Salmon: up yours my friend, your pro spammer
[23:06] |WM|Salmon: never had spam back had you?
[23:06] |WM|Salmon: gonna say something
[23:06] |WM|Salmon: ?
[23:06] |WM|Mencjusz: nop :D
[23:06] |WM|Salmon: let me change the subject to something stupid back again :)
[23:06] |WM|Salmon: you are pro in stupid things arent ya ?
[23:07] |WM|Salmon: down here in this city i bet there are 48720+ ppl who are much crazier
[23:07] |WM|Mencjusz: comm on spam no skillx :D
[23:08] |WM|Salmon: Never! he is my bro, i like him
[23:08] |WM|Salmon: gonna hate me for this? so you wont ever spam me?
[23:08] |WM|Mencjusz: so you can do it to me ? :D
[23:08] |WM|Mencjusz: i spam despite whoever like me or not ;P
[23:08] |WM|Mencjusz: i just spam :D
[23:08] |WM|Salmon: run to your momma :D spammerclaus has come to town
[23:09] |WM|Salmon: around that.. why do you even do it ?
[23:09] |WM|Mencjusz: for fun :D
[23:09] |WM|Salmon: and why is it so entertaining for you?
[23:09] |WM|Mencjusz: dunno, i do it when i have time for it :D
[23:10] |WM|Mencjusz: and i like piss off people :D
[23:10] |WM|Salmon: desert the last spammers who didnt survive me i think your gonna have a hard 1 on me
[23:11] |WM|Salmon: you are just a nab really
[23:11] |WM|Mencjusz: cool :D
[23:11] |WM|Salmon: mencjusz can you do something for me?
[23:11] |WM|Mencjusz: nice to meet you :D
[23:11] |WM|Mencjusz: no ;P
[23:11] |WM|Mencjusz: do it urself ;P
[23:11] |WM|Salmon: since the last link i sent you, read every 1st word of my sentence..
[23:11] |WM|Salmon: and know the meaning of true pwnage
i think i am the only one who talks to mencjusz normally. or i am the only one who understands mencjusz. or i am the only one who is like mencjusz. omg i am confused now who i am :))
full comversation u ass :D

[22:57] |WM|Salmon: made me laugh >.<
[22:57] |WM|Salmon: you sometimes try to do shit like that with me
[22:57] |WM|Salmon: but we are like the same
[22:57] |WM|Salmon: so it wont work XD
[22:58] |WM|Salmon: so you like weeds too eh ?
[22:58] |WM|Salmon: come to holland
[22:58] |WM|Salmon: ill show you real weed
[22:58] |WM|Mencjusz: i don't wonna see ur weed :D
[22:58] |WM|Salmon: lolol :D believe me you do
[22:58] |WM|Salmon: when you smoke this shit
[22:58] |WM|Salmon: magical things happen
[22:59] |WM|Mencjusz: ok, but i have closer tp Cech repub;lic ;P
[22:59] |WM|Mencjusz: to
[22:59] |WM|Salmon: where u from poland?
[22:59] |WM|Mencjusz: mayby, why u wonna know :D
[22:59] |WM|Salmon: in czech they dont have real weed;)
[23:00] |WM|Salmon: i wanna come visit u
[23:00] |WM|Salmon: to bone u
[23:00] |WM|Mencjusz: cool :D
[23:00] |WM|Mencjusz: bone, weed :D
[23:00] |WM|Mencjusz: job for filix :D
[23:00] |WM|Salmon: listen to me
[23:00] |WM|Mencjusz: Cech got weeds from Afghanistam :D
[23:00] |WM|Salmon: what are we talking about really
[23:01] |WM|Salmon: we're talking about a journey man
[23:01] |WM|Salmon: a subconscious safari
[23:01] |WM|Salmon: a mental expidition
[23:01] |WM|Salmon: okay.. a mind trek
[23:01] |WM|Mencjusz: for me just condom, tight pussy and im like on safari :D
[23:01] |WM|Salmon: this planet has been raped, pilaged and fucked
[23:01] |WM|Salmon: and the mind is the only uncharted territory
[23:01] |WM|Salmon: and this shit is the shit
[23:02] |WM|Salmon: its the nina, the pinta and the santa maria
[23:02] |WM|Salmon: and you, are fucking magellan
[23:02] |WM|Mencjusz: stop
[23:02] |WM|Mencjusz: talking to much :D
[23:02] |WM|Mencjusz: even for me ;P
[23:02] |WM|Salmon: so what do you say my motherfucking friend?
[23:02] |WM|Salmon: do you want to take a trip or do you wanna sit on your ass?
[23:02] |WM|Salmon: i can talk to people any fucking way i wanna talk to them
[23:02] |WM|Salmon: so let me do my job, and you do yours
[23:03] |WM|Mencjusz: i don;t even read you lol
[23:03] |WM|Mencjusz: :D
[23:03] |WM|Salmon: YouTube - DJ Nosferatu - Knock Out
[23:03] |WM|Salmon: xD
[23:04] |WM|Salmon: never talked to you so long
[23:04] |WM|Salmon: gonna like it i think
[23:05] |WM|Salmon: give me something to talk about
[23:05] |WM|Salmon: you can do it!
[23:05] |WM|Mencjusz: go and spam no skillz
[23:05] |WM|Mencjusz: he won't survive two spammers :D
[23:05] |WM|Salmon: up yours my friend, your pro spammer
[23:05] |WM|Salmon: never had spam back had you?
[23:06] |WM|Salmon: gonna say something
[23:06] |WM|Salmon: ?
[23:06] |WM|Mencjusz: nop :D
[23:06] |WM|Salmon: let me change the subject to something stupid back again :)
[23:06] |WM|Salmon: you are pro in stupid things arent ya ?
[23:07] |WM|Salmon: down here in this city i bet there are 48720+ ppl who are much crazier
[23:07] |WM|Mencjusz: comm on spam no skillx :D
[23:07] |WM|Salmon: Never! he is my bro, i like him
[23:08] |WM|Mencjusz: so you can do it to me ? :D
[23:08] |WM|Salmon: gonna hate me for this? so you wont ever spam me?
[23:08] |WM|Mencjusz: i spam despite whoever like me or not ;P
[23:08] |WM|Mencjusz: i just spam :D
[23:08] |WM|Salmon: run to your momma :D spammerclaus has come to town
[23:08] |WM|Salmon:
[23:08] |WM|Salmon:
[23:09] |WM|Salmon: around that.. why do you even do it ?
[23:09] |WM|Mencjusz: for fun :D
[23:09] |WM|Salmon: and why is it so entertaining for you?
[23:09] |WM|Mencjusz: dunno, i do it when i have time for it :D
[23:09] |WM|Mencjusz: and i like piss off people :D
[23:10] |WM|Salmon: desert the last spammers who didnt survive me i think your gonna have a hard 1 on me
[23:10] |WM|Salmon: you are just a nab really
[23:11] |WM|Mencjusz: cool :D
[23:11] |WM|Salmon: mencjusz can you do something for me?
[23:11] |WM|Mencjusz: nice to meet you :D
[23:11] |WM|Mencjusz: no ;P
[23:11] |WM|Mencjusz: do it urself ;P
[23:11] |WM|Salmon: since the last link i sent you, read every 1st word of my sentence..
[23:11] |WM|Salmon: and know the meaning of true pwnage
[23:11] |WM|Mencjusz: lol i read like 1 or 2 of ur sentence ;P
[23:12] |WM|Salmon: just read every1 first word :D
[23:12] |WM|Salmon: and put them in order
[23:12] |WM|Salmon: i know your stupid
[23:12] |WM|Salmon: but you can do this
[23:12] |WM|Salmon: its not too hard
[23:12] |WM|Mencjusz: do it urself
[23:12] |WM|Mencjusz: and write me
[23:12] |WM|Mencjusz: im to laxzy :D
[23:12] |WM|Salmon: nvm your going on forum your too stupid :D XD
[23:13] |WM|Mencjusz: Im on forum already, daaaa
[23:14] |WM|Mencjusz: so who is tupid now / :D

Rozmowa zakończona: Tue, May 03 23:15:20 2011
ViRuS said:
i think i am the only one who talks to mencjusz normally. or i am the only one who understands mencjusz. or i am the only one who is like mencjusz. omg i am confused now who i am :))

omg, thats sad...... :D
ViRuS said:
i think i am the only one who talks to mencjusz normally. or i am the only one who understands mencjusz. or i am the only one who is like mencjusz. omg i am confused now who i am :))
Or you are the only one who gave your ass to Menc :D
no i am the only one who fucked mencjusz ass :D and it s shame too :)