Medal of Honor 2010

I prefer playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam coz it rapes COD :D COD is unrealistic game, my opinion.........yeah maybe COD i better then SWAT but not better than BC2 :D
haha man! never better multiplayer than cod4! its already a cult! but idk maybe the story is good! but in multiplayer there is no story! there are maps and settings... and so on!

Sonny said:
I prefer playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam coz it rapes COD :D COD is unrealistic game, my opinion.........yeah maybe COD i better then SWAT but not better than BC2 :D

i have bc2... how is vietnam ?? my friends kept playing on the bc2 so i didnt go for vietnam... better or worse ?
FiliX78 said:
if u guys want more realism i can give u a plane ticket to Iraq.. thats realism :DD

Charfire said:
cmon, give me :DD

Ok guys we making donation for charfire ticket to Iraq!

just imagine..... few euros and you can never see him again :D
I have some privat photos made by soldier who were in Iraq but it is + 18 so not for kids like cherfire :D
lol filix (stop hacking-....anyway man fu coz cod is best but if u want i can pick MoH if many WMS does it and not like happend for bfbc2 that no1 bought and i never use it... i dont like wasting money :(