Maybe good idea for your server HC S@D


Nov 25, 2012
First of all Happy New Year :)
I have an idea. Many times comin new players to your server HC and using perks against rules. When admin is present OK. But when there is no admin it happens all the time. I played on one server HC where also are some rules like no GL, matyr etc quite the same like here. But server has automatic kick. So if someone shoot GL for example he gets warning and kick... gone MF :) You should consider to use this also. It will safe your time and also will stop "bitching" players all the time to kick some noob (this bad word used one of the admins :) ). And also players will feel more comfortably. I know admin of this server if you maybe will have some questions.
if I were kf, in this moment that would be my last thought! he is in Vegas FTW!
But U know he is Muslim, can't drink, can't gamble,can't prostitute...dunno the heck is he doin :P
  • L (D) i k e
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hello !! what about this?!!!! i found it in this page:

some time ago I've decided to make some extensions for this plugin to have the possibility to configure all I want, or I (or you) could want to configure.
In the current version you are able to configure:
- different 'blocking time duration' for specific maps
- block the weapon permenently
- block any weapon you want

Here's the config:
Code: xml

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  1. 5
  2. rule2
  3. rule2
  4. ^3 %s seconds passed - ^3all weapons unlocked!!!
  5. ^3 No nades, airstrike, tubes or heli ^5first %s seconds of the round!!!
  6. ^3 Please, No marty/last stand, GL's or RPG's !!!
  7. frag_grenade_short_mp
  8. gl_ak47_mp
  9. gl_g3_mp
  10. gl_g36c_mp
  11. gl_m4_mp
  12. gl_m14_mp
  13. gl_m16_mp
  14. gl_mp
  15. rpg_mp

warn_duration - it's a default for all maps within ppl will be warned for using defined weapons
warning_rule - defined rule which will be used to warn a player
unlock_message - message announcing unlocking weapons - MUST CONTAIN %s which will be replaced by number of seconds
info_message - message informing about duration of weapons restriction - MUST CONTAIN %s which will be replaced by number of seconds

If for the specific map time should be longer then use section to define it.
- here we can define resticted weapons
perm = "0" or "1" - of perm="1" - weapon will be restricted all the time, undependent on the defined time. I know many of you want to restrict Martyr.