magic: the gatering

Partial fractions fourier series 1st ode 2nd ode basic maths applying them in electronics is much harder :(
mathematic analysis 1 plus geometry and mathematic analysis 2 plus geometry with includes even but not only fourier series, tailor plinoms differencial equations of 1 and 2 order double and triple integeers and other stuff that i dunno how to translate :D
but hey ur exams are pretty heavy too krazy ;)
i did both in first year, this year i dnt have maths exams ;)
all exams are keen on materials which is the main subject of my studing

I played Magic around 1997 - 2000. I think I still have all my cards (though I don't know exactly where they are - cellar maybe), and I remember my last deck was a poison counter deck. (Red/Green ofc.)

But I surely can't be arsed to play this time eater again ;)
hehehe if u want download magic workstation! there u find all cards for free and u can play online for free!
download the PC game.. Magic the gathering.. google it, is awsome, but it works in windows 98 only xD