Lol being accused for ini hax by WM member

I remember when you was camplain how Deltas/Storm are cheaters and now you licking his ass. LOL Read in wikipedia what means "oportunist", coz you are one of them. You also said that VIP mode players are noobs, so i wonder why only VIP mode teams wining in tournaments?

And for me ini changes are cheat! All changes which makes your game different than for other players have are not fair behave. Not fair = Cheat for me. I was saying this about 100 times :P
WTF? i hope this isint to me,
"I remember when you was camplain how Deltas/Storm are cheaters and now you licking his ass. LOL Read in wikipedia what means "oportunist", coz you are one of them. You also said that VIP mode players are noobs, so i wonder why only VIP mode teams wining in tournaments?" this arent my fcking words...
DarthGhost said:
I remember when you was camplain how Deltas/Storm are cheaters and now you licking his ass. LOL Read in wikipedia what means "oportunist", coz you are one of them. You also said that VIP mode players are noobs, so i wonder why only VIP mode teams wining in tournaments?

And for me ini changes are cheat! All changes which makes your game different than for other players have are not fair behave. Not fair = Cheat for me. I was saying this about 100 times :P

NO, red part if for Bjoggi!
loool bjöggi stil has got a word to Say after he got caught ?????????? and sonny you are dumb watching him and obeying his speaks . bjöggi= cheater . no thing more and he can t take a respect from my side and also if u are on his side u can t take my respect either
What answer u wanna hear Virus? that i cheat? i play better than couple of months ago YES,and i think only WM is accusing me of ini hax,i have 90 fps whats the problem?
you dont cheat thats the problem it was snark comment and you took serious man chill out u dont cheat you r a wannabe :P thats all you just want make people believe you have ini hacks making the game german and making ur name red in viewport.. what u have is what i found out in 2006 and its boring from you.. you know and all know it.
Xavii said:
also i find that fast improving is disrespectful for people like Charfire who are playing this game for years and still not improved even a bit

OMFG Go away man... :P

And Sonny, from the moment you made that thread about you leaving WM i already lost my respect towards you man, and as far as i can see this topic, Stoner was merely joking about hax, because he has sense of humour and you obviously do not get the point of view he is coming from :P

i won't comment on other things in this topic, it's too "intellectual" to comment.
I dont think so it isint joke ,later he start saying shit that its fact that u cheat,"i dont care if u need to use it so u feel all pro,your choice" blalblablabla,and dont tell me that Virus is joking i rly wont believe that.And im sure that some WMs "cheated" or is doing it right now :P,like 90+fps
lool little boy ye i am not joking. you are cheating for me ( you may call it ini. change ) no1 can tell me that you become pro in 3 mounths . that s my opinion. and i m not telling that im right %100
KrazyFire said:
and here is my last post this topic hopefully UAC3 - Universal Anti-cheat 3

That why he created a new one UAC3 - Universal Anti-cheat 3 Anyway also busted but with r client. Ofcorse poor Bjoggi didnt know that isnt allowed in ESL :P

This is how explained that Bjoggi :
"Its so i can see spawn time without being forced to use the resolution 800x600. And why dont i just use that one? Because then the graphics are terrible and its very bad to play with the graphic like that"

Well I dont have clue again what he is talking about case his resolution in game is 1920x1080. Very easy to check on UAC3 screens where is visible all details about used pc in match.
Now what can we see ? Noob i Nator showing his shotgun skills - Xfire Video R client is also installed on your game. The clock is visible during whole game + germany version game which you download via advice your new idol :P