
Retired Member
Aug 23, 2011

here is some info for about LMG SPRAY. (its more like a private message for someone)

LMG SPRAY doesnt mean only empty magazine on one click. Runing thru map a shoot 3-5bullets to every single wb spot you reach is spraying too if you do not see any enemies. And if admin telling you to not doing something its better to get more info and ask him, instead of continue doing it and sayin thats ok. Thanks. Hawk.
Ice said:
Runing thru map a shoot 3-5bullets to every single wb spot you reach is spraying too if you do not see any enemies.
But people do that with regular weapons aswell. LMG spraying is when someone use the entire clip from an LMG in one spot. (in my opinion at least)
Ice I think it is hard to draw line when someone spraying and when ppl prefire. That is the main reason why I dont like COD4. You can kill evn behind wall.
You can not continuously wallbang with an lmg, whether its a few shots or emptying the whole magazine, its not allowed. The problem is that lmgs dont need to reload.
In that case we might aswell just ban LMG's. If you cant fire 3 shots into a wall with an LMG, but you are allowed to unload the entire AK clip with 30 rounds and a 1 second reload with slight of hand, it just get people kicked for no reason.

Besides, even when people are equipped with an LMG and use it normally, like shooting someone they see across the hall with 5 shots they still get warned for spraying, even if there is no wall inbetween them. Seems like a waste of everyones time.
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Hey Ice! :)

While you are *per definitionem* absolutely correct, I think the sense of the lmg spray rule was to mainly prevent people using a 100 shot/mag weapon to continuously spray a single spot or area (think of mp_vacant, 2 or 3 guys spamming down from the bin on the attackers side into B ). Single bursts of a few bullets to different spots is what you can do with any other weapon, too; that wasn't the initial cause for that rule.

So you are right - it IS indeed spray, too; but I for my part wouldn't be too strict about it tbh.
What does it matter if you only spray one spot or if you circle between 3-4 spots and spray, on HC you only need to hit 1 bullet to actually score a kill, with an lmg you can do this the entire round without having to reload once.

edit: and if you think an ak can do that just fine then go ahead and use it but dont cry that lmgs are useless because of this rule, ive used lmgs myself a couple times and even without spraying every wall you can do just fine and its far from being useless.

This differentiation between spraying or not spraying just makes this rule more confusing.
Well if you see someone who goes behind a wall you can obviously shoot the wall and try to get him (for a reasonable amount of time)
easy for me, if some1 doesnt see enemy and shooting wall - its sprayin.