Lenin's Hirn

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Oct 14, 2013
Hi guys, im recently unbanned from your server.

Im playing right now and im so sorry to post here about a player that is costantly flaming me. Lenin's Hirn.

GhostWanted and Magheto are present but nothing do. I have screenshots if you need.


i try to dont answer but he keep annoying. saying lol! everytime i die etc and i leave the server.

i dont like this . i get ban for flame. that is the same thing this player is doing with me.

you are the admin. the server is yours. your rules, do somethings
Post the screenshots then. I cant promise anything will be done about it due to your reputation in here.
if my reputation is bad do not know.

I have not responded as bad as I would have done long ago, and I have not even begun to provoke anyone.

This player has started against me for no reason and how it should be I'm here to inform you.
cmon guys.... :angry:
@red oktober --- you always crying
@lenin´s Hirn --- provoked,but only since you were crying!
you're old enough and we are not a babysitter!
Ghost Wanted. "you always crying". since im unbanned i only say hello... what you mean??

i have post screen. i didnt cry or whine. what you mean? i post screen.
Your reputation is bad. On both servers. Recently on our promod server you acted like a child. Calling people nerds and noobs. "I dont want to spend more time on this server its filled with nerds". Maybe you dont act like that right now but everywhere else you do.You have been kicked so many times that now when someone is being a dick towards you will do anything to get him kicked to show you got some kind of power that you clearly dont. I dont know if its to show your ego off or try to humilate us with the "i got kicked for it now they should aswell do as i say bullshit". This time nothing will be done.

If you can prove in the future that your behaviour has improved, then in this kind of situation we will take action. But for now leave it and move on. Be mature on the server and be nice to the people on it. If they do trash talk you or spam you, take screenshots and dont participate in the childish behaviour.
OK warlord. you are the best !!!

@ ghost. yeah i call him noob. and he start his monologue LoL
in the next screen i also say " i swear im not whinning. i comment the fact you got ds" (and i heard you the same)

anyway. i have learn this lesson. i hope lenin will do the same and get ban.

If you want can close topic thx
next time highlight the relevant text please. as ghost already said you started the whole thing. what goes around, comes around. the other players said the same things about you. not only lenin. defend yourself next time or just ignore the trashtalk.
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