I dont have clue why we have installed markie mod on server. In past everything work really cool on WM now I dont see difreent beetwen WM and MYT server. Both lag like hell.Everything is random. Sometimes when you shot rival die very fast sometimes you need to use half magazine to kill 1 guy. It is such big deal to keep markiemod ON instead keep good quality of server ? For while we had only Gez mod and it was much better. Well the only one good thing is info when someone team nade but isnt reason to keep lag on server. Lets remove all this smacs, mups , informations about team nading. Just simple GEZ mod.Usually a lot of WM's playing on server so they can easy manage server and kick all troublemakers. Seriously that is so annoying. I dont see any motivation to play cause with this lag do not exist difrent beetwen good , avarage and low player. Can we creat a poll or something like that ?