{L&N} Lucy - 9659602e

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Dec 25, 2012
I think he's a cheater. Hard to prove. But take a look at this demo. I have alot more demos if you don't find this good enough.


In the end of this demo, I was recording him only. Earlier is record of me until I die, the Lucy.
GUID: (left before I got it to notice)
Cheat: wallhack
Alias: [L&N]Lucy (I think tag is right)
Screenshot: Don't have, sry.
Server: SnD HC

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thx for the report zet! I can't watch the demo myself till Tuesday, but in the case the proofs aren't enough we will keep him specced
Took a while to look through that. Thank god for fast forward. There is only 1 round that i find dodgy. Im gonna let some more people watch through it but in that specific round i think he/she was hacking.
True, it's one round in this demo that looks suspicious. But I have alot more record.

I'm recording all the time now, 1 map = 1 record. Thats why my demos are a bit long. Sorry bout that.
I think that what is wrong with her.
70% hack....not sure
I'm going to watching him/her/it | ghost undercover :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
gj norje
I understand your view. Like I said, this is ONE demo I got, which means I've watched him/her/it alot more. So overall I think this is cheat. It could have been ghosting. He had a mate online. But with that one round in this demo, it is for sure not ghosting. It's wallhack, or - which I doubt - skills/reaction.

Just watch this soldier.
i havent seen him online since ur report tbh ;)
anyway when the fate will make us play together u can be sure i will spectate him
I hope that the spectating will take longer than 1 kill and case finished if people know what I mean. No more retarded bans
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Ceeee said:
I hope that the spectating will take longer than 1 kill and case finished if people know what I mean. No more retarded bans
erm...fu :D

ps: ppl learn from mistakes, havent u ever heard it? :)
i was recording him for like 2 weeks, got planty of wallscans and doubtful moves. by crossing them all its a pretty obv wh or wh-like.

so i banned him yesterday.
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